AutoMaker is the software interface used for interacting with the Robox 3D printers.
AutoMaker uses Maven. You will either want to build the project directly using the maven command line, or use and IDE such as Netbeans.
You will need JDK of 11.0.2 or later that contains a version of JavaFX 11.0.2 or later e.g. BellSoft Liberica 11.0.2
AutoMaker depends on several other projects to run. Each can be cloned from GitHub:
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
The projects should be built in the following order:
To build using maven
cd <Project directory containing pom.xml>
mvn clean install
Maven will build each jar and put it into a target folder within each directory as well as in the local maven repository.
Import each project into netbeans, set the compile java platform for each project to the same JDK. Clean and build each project in order.
You will need to have the install files of AutoMaker in place in order to run the software, the recommended method is to simply install the latest version of AutoMaker
AutoMaker needs a VM system property "libertySystems.configFile" set to the full path of the AutoMaker.configFile.xml file, which can be found in the AutoMaker repository. So in order to run the AutoMaker.jar from the command line use:
java -DlibertySystems.configFile=<Path to repository>\AutoMaker\AutoMaker.configFile.xml -jar AutoMaker.jar
The config file needs to be specified as a VM argument. Go to project properties > Run and add -DlibertySystems.configFile=<Path to repository>\AutoMaker\AutoMaker.configFile.xml
to the VM arguments. You can then either run/debug the AutoMaker project.