GCodeViewer is GCode previewer with special features to support Robox 3D printers. It is used by AutoMaker, the Robox control software, to preview the results of slicing a model.

Building GCodeViewer

GCodeViewer depends on two other projects, and is required for the AutoMaker installer. Download the projects from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/celsworthy/Configuration.git
git clone https://github.com/celsworthy/Stenographer.git
git clone https://github.com/celsworthy/GCodeViewer.git
git clone https://github.com/celsworthy/Installer.git

For development and debugging, use the NetBeans IDE (v9 or later).

Open all the projects except Installer in Netbeans. Set the compile java platform for each project to the same JDK, which must be at least version 11.0.2 and include JavaFX 11.0.2 or later.

Build the projects in the following order:


Each project can be built from the command line using Maven:

cd <Project directory containing pom.xml>
set JAVA_HOME=<Path to JDK>
mvn clean install

Running GCodeViewer

The following command will run GCodeViewer (assuming a suitable version of java is on the path):

java -DlibertySystems.configFile="GCodeViewerFake.configFile.xml" -jar ./target/GCodeViewer.jar [arguments] [gcode file]

It accepts the following command line arguments:

-l <tag>
--language-tag <tag>
Tag to indicate the interface language. (Default: en)

-xd <letter>
--extruder-letter-d <letter>
Letter to use as D extruder (Default: D)

-xe <letter>
--extruder-letter-e <letter>
Letter to use as E extruder (Default: E)

-nv <mode>
--nozzle-valves <mode>
Mode value of "ON" indicates that nozzle valves are present. A value of "OFF" indicates they are not present. (Default: OFF)

Flag to indicate advanced options should be shown (Default: false)

-p <printer type>
--printer-type <printer type>
Printer type to define the printer volume. (Defalt: "RBX01")

-pd <directory path>
--project-directory <directory path>
Directory in which the interface configuration is stored. (Default: .)

-cd <directory path>
--config-directory  <directory path>
Directory in which the viewer configuration file is stored. (Default: .)

Flag to indicate window should always be above other desktop windows. (Default: false)

Flag to indicate window should be centered on screen. (Default: false)

Flag to indicate window should be decorated with title, close box etc. (Default: true)

-wh <height>
--window-height <height>
Window height on screen. (Default = half screen height)

Flag to indicate window sizes are normalised. (Default: false)

Flag to indicate window should be resizable (Default: true)

-ww <width>
--window-width <width>
Window width on screen. (Default: half screen width)

-wx <x coord>
--window-x <x coordinate>
Window X position on screen (Default: centred in x)

-wy <y coordinate>
--window-y <y coordinate>
Window Y position on screen. (Default: centred in y)

It uses three configuration files:

Used to specify the language, location of language files and log files. The name of this file is specified by the Java system property "libertySystems.configFile" and is set with the command line option -DlibertySystems.configFile=<Path>.

Used to specify configuration parameters for the viewer such as printer types and colours. The location of this files is specified by the --config-directory command line option.

Used to specify GUI parameters such as the expanded state of the panels. The location of this files is specified by the --project-directory command line option.

When run from the command line, GCodeViewer can be controlled from the terminal. When started, it responds with something like this:

2020-02-03 15:28:45,876 [main] INFO - StenographerFactory initialised with logfile= ...

The viewer accepts the following commands on the terminal:

bottom | b  <layer>
Set bottom layer to render

clear | cl
Clear GCode, so viewer is showing nothing.

colour | co  type | ty 
Set colour mode to type.

colour | co  tool | to   <red>  <green>  <blue>
Set colour for tool.

colour | co  data | d  a|b|d|e|f|x|y|z 
Set colour mode to data from axis.

extruder-letter | ex  D | E  <letter>
Set the letter to use for the D or E extruder.

first | fi  <line number>
Set the first selected line number.

focus | fo
Set window focus to the GCodeViewer window.

hide | h  angles | a | moves | m | stylus | s | window | w
hide | h  tool | t  <tool number>
Hide item

iconify | i
Iconfiy the GCodeViewer window.

last | la  <line number>
Set the first selected line number.

load | lo <gcode file path>
Load the specified GCode file.

nozzle-valves | nv on | off
Enable or disable nozzle valve display for B axis.

printer | p  <printer>
Specify the target printer, which must be one specified in the GCodeViewer.json configuration file.

quit | q
terminate the program.

Restore GCodeViewer window from iconised state.

show | s  angles | a | moves | m | stylus | s | window | w
show | s  tool | t  <tool number>
Show item

tool | to  <tool number> show | s | hide | h
Show or hide tool

tool | to  <tool number> colour | co  <red>  <green>  <blue>
Set colour for tool.

top | t  <layer number>
Set top layer to render

Installing GCodeViewer into Installer Project


rem INSTALLER_HOME should be set to the Installer project directory.
rmdir /S /Q Language
rmdir /S /Q lib
del GCodeViewer.*

rem GCODEVIEWER_HOME should be set to the GCodeViewer project directory.
robocopy Language %INSTALLER_HOME%\GCodeViewer\Language /MIR
robocopy target\lib %INSTALLER_HOME%\GCodeViewer\lib /MIR
copy target\GCodeViewer.jar %INSTALLER_HOME%\GCodeViewer\GCodeViewer.jar
copy GCodeViewer.configFile.xml %INSTALLER_HOME%\GCodeViewer\GCodeViewer.configFile.xml
copy GCodeViewer.json %INSTALLER_HOME%\GCodeViewer\GCodeViewer.json


# INSTALLER_HOME should be set to the Installer project directory.
cd ${INSTALLER_HOME}/GCodeViewer
rm -rf Language
rm -rf lib
rm GCodeViewer.*

# GCODEVIEWER_HOME should be set to the GCodeViewer project directory.
cp -r Language ${INSTALLER_HOME}/GCodeViewer/Language
cp -r target/lib ${INSTALLER_HOME}/GCodeViewer/lib
cp GCodeViewer.configFile.xml ${INSTALLER_HOME}/GCodeViewer/GCodeViewer.configFile.xml
cp GCodeViewer.json ${INSTALLER_HOME}/GCodeViewer/GCodeViewer.json

Obfuscating with Proguard

If required, the GCodeViewer can be obfuscated with ProGuard.


# GCODEVIEWER_HOME should be set to the GCodeViewer project directory.
# RELEASE_VERSION should be set to the latest version number, e.g. 4.01.00
# PROGUARD_HOME should be set to the proguard install directory, e.g. /home/ubuntu/proguard


# GCODEVIEWER_HOME should be set to the GCodeViewer project directory.
# RELEASE_VERSION should be set to the latest version number, e.g. 4.01.00
# PROGUARD_HOME should be set to the proguard install directory, e.g. /home/ubuntu/proguard
export RELEASE_VERSION=4.01.00
export PROGUARD_HOME=/home/ubuntu/proguard

THe script will create two directories:


The contents of the release directory should be copied to the installer GCodeViewer directory:


rem INSTALLER_HOME should be set to the Installer project directory.
rem GCODEVIEWER_HOME should be set to the GCodeViewer project directory.
rmdir /S /Q %INSTALLER_HOME%\GCodeViewer
robocopy %GCODE_VIEWER_HOME%\Release %INSTALLER_HOME%\GCodeViewer /MIR


# INSTALLER_HOME should be set to the Installer project directory.
# GCODEVIEWER_HOME should be set to the GCodeViewer project directory.
rm -rf ${INSTALLER_HOME}/GCodeViewer
cp -r ${GCODE_VIEWER_HOME}/release ${INSTALLER_HOME}/GCodeViewer /MIR