
TPC-DS Generation, Execution and Analyzer for Postgres

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TPC-DS Generation, Execution and Analyzer for Postgres


Making TPC-DS Tools:

git clone https://github.com/celuk/tpcds-postgres
cd tpcds-postgres/DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools

Database Generation:

cd ../..
nano pgtpcds_defaults ## change required variables
sudo ./tpcds_generator.sh

Splitting and Fixing Sqls:

cd your_query0_generated_directory ## either go to this directory or place query_0.sql and the scripts in the same directory.
python3 split_sqls.py
python3 split_analyzing_sqls.py

Getting Analyzed Texts:

nano get_analyzed_txts.sh ## change required variables
sudo ./get_analyzed_txts.sh

Installing python dependencies for graph_analyzed_txts.py:

pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install BeautifulSoup4
pip3 install lxml
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pprint

Plotting Stacked Bar Chart Graphs from Analyzed Texts:

nano graph_analyzed_txts.py ## change required variables
python3 graph_analyzed_txts.py --depesz ## after that you will get .png and .pdfs of stacked bar chart

Error Corrections for Generation and Execution of TPC-DS

1-) TPC-DS v3.2.0 benchmarks (DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1) are downloaded from TPC site and because it was giving error in the generation, I added one line in netezza.tpl file (according to this: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/36938/how-to-generate-tpc-ds-query-for-sql-server-from-templates/97926#97926):

--- a/DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/query_templates/netezza.tpl
+++ b/DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/query_templates/netezza.tpl
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
 -- Contributors:
+define _END = "";
 define __LIMITA = "";
 define __LIMITB = "";
 define __LIMITC = "limit %d";


2-) There was an error in the generator while reading customer.dat because of UTF-8 formatting. So, for fixing this, I added encoding fixer python script fix_encoding.py and it is automatically running while generating the database via tpcds_generator.sh bash script and fixes customer.dat encoding.


3-) Other errors was because syntax of 19 (out of 99) queries when running queries in the generated postgres database. This is because of query templates written in ANSI SQL format and is not compatible totaly with PostgreSQLformat. Syntax errors were in 5, 12, 16, 20, 21, 30, 32, 36, 37, 40, 70, 77, 80, 82, 86, 92, 94, 95, 98 queries.


I could use automatic converters like jOOQ but this does not resolve the column name errors.

I could do modifications in .tpl files but I didn't want to change original source. I am doing modifications after generation of sql queries while splitting via split_analyzing_sqls.py or split_sqls.py scripts.

Note: Note that SQL queries should be fixed for every database generation because in TPC-DS while a database is generating, it is also generating the queries according to the SCALE factor (size of database in gigabytes).


Errors and fixes can be seen below:


Syntax Error in query30.sql

Column name error:


Fix of query30.sql Syntax Error

c_last_review_date_sk should be changed with c_last_review_date.

In python scripts I did:

each_text = each_text.replace('c_last_review_date_sk', 'c_last_review_date')


Syntax Errors in 5, 12, 16, 20, 21, 32, 37, 40, 77, 80, 82, 92, 94, 95, 98 queries

days syntax is not valid for PostgreSQL.

Fix of 5, 12, 16, 20, 21, 32, 37, 40, 77, 80, 82, 92, 94, 95, 98 queries Syntax Errors

Either all days keywords should be removed or changed like this '30 days'::interval.

In python scripts I did:

each_text = each_text.replace('days', '')


Syntax Errors in 36, 70, 86 queries

Column name alias error.

A quote from https://github.com/RunningJon/TPC-DS that explains the problem:

Query templates were modified to exclude columns not found in the query.  In these cases, the 
common table expression used aliased columns but the dynamic filters included both the alias 
name as well as the original name. Referencing the original column name instead of the alias 
causes the query parser to not find the column. 

Fix of 36, 70, 86 queries Syntax Errors

Using subquery fixes the problem. So, select * from ( should be added the head of the queries and ) as sub should be added before order by section. And it makes the piece of code to subquery like this:

select * from ( -- this is added to head of the query before select

-- ...

-- encapsulated code

-- ...

) as sub -- this is added before the last order by

order by

-- ...

In python scripts I did:

each_text = each_text.replace('select', 'select * from (select ', 1)
each_text = ') as sub\n order by'.join(each_text.rsplit('order by', 1))

Generation of TPC-DS Database

Generation phase is imitated from https://github.com/AXLEproject/pg-tpch and https://ankane.org/tpc-ds, and then the process is automated.

For generation, firstly clone this repository, go to directory tpcds-postgres/DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools and type make in the terminal to compile generation tools of TPC:

git clone https://github.com/celuk/tpcds-postgres
cd tpcds-postgres/DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1/tools

Secondly, change the required variables in pgtpcds_defaults file.

Thirdly, run tpcds_generator.sh with sudo:

sudo ./tpcds_generator.sh

Note: There are a lot of unnecessary sudos in tpcds_generator.sh because some servers may need it but you can try to remove them to see if it works in your case.

Generation of Seperate TPC-DS Queries

After generation of the database, all 99 queries will be generated in just one file which is query_0.sql. For seperating the queries we have two python scripts:

* split_sqls.py --> Splits `query_0.sql` to `query1.sql`, `query2.sql`, ..., `query99.sql`
* split_analyzing_sqls.py --> Splits `query_0.sql` to `query1.sql`, `query2.sql`, ..., `query99.sql` 
with at the beginning `explain analyze` keyword that gives analyzed output after running.

Firstly place query_0.sql and the python scripts in the same place or run python scripts in directory of query_0.sql.

For getting normal SQLs run:

python3 split_sqls.py

For getting analyzing SQLs run:

python3 split_analyzing_sqls.py

Running Queries

You need to start the database firstly as:

sudo -u <username> pg_ctl -D <database-name> start

An example to start database:

sudo -u guest /home/guest/postgres/postgres-compiled/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/guest/bsc/databases/pgdata1GB start

If you cannot start because of an old process, please look at this answer to solve the problem and try to start database again: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52963079/i-cant-start-server-postgresql-11-pg-ctl-could-not-start-server/73868082#73868082

For running a query, you can use this command:

sudo -u <username> psql -d <database-name> -f <query-name>

or this command:

sudo -u <username> psql <database-name> < <query-name>

An example to run a query:

sudo -u guest /home/guest/postgres/postgres-compiled/bin/psql tpcds1gb < query1.sql

For running all queries you can use get_analyzed_txts.sh. Firstly edit the required variables in the file, then you can run as:

sudo ./get_analyzed_txts.sh

After that if you run:

  • normal sqls --> you will get outputs of sql commands in a folder as seperate .txt files.
  • analyzing sqls --> you will get analyzed outputs of sql commands in a folder as seperate .txt files. As q1a.txt, q2a.txt, ..., q99a.txt

An example output of analyzing sql is like this:

                                                  QUERY PLAN                    
 HashAggregate  (cost=1.25..1.45 rows=20 width=12) (actual time=0.134..0.263 row
s=20 loops=1)
   Group Key: ib_income_band_sk
   Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 24kB
   ->  Seq Scan on income_band  (cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=12) (actual time=
0.027..0.032 rows=20 loops=1)
 Planning Time: 1.741 ms
 Execution Time: 0.518 ms
(6 rows)


After running the desired queries don't forget to stop the database:

sudo -u <username> pg_ctl -D <database-name> stop

Getting Graphs from Analyzed Texts

To get stacked bar chart graphs from analyzed txts, you can use graph_analyzed_txts.py. It uploads analyzed txts to https://explain.depesz.com from given path, gets the source of uploaded url, parses it and extracts table from there, -if --depesz flag given before, they already stored in a folder, so, by not giving depesz option we can bypass all of these operations to not wait- creates customizable graphs according to given flags.

Firstly install python dependencies:

pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install BeautifulSoup4
pip3 install lxml
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pprint

Change required variables in the script, then run the script:

python3 graph_analyzed_txts.py --depesz

This will give an output graph like this: tpcds1gb.png

There are several flags here to use while running graph_analyzed_txts.py:

flag short version of the flag description example usage
--depesz -dz Uploads given analyzed texts to https://explain.depesz.com, if it is the first time for your analyzed texts you need to give this flag, otherwise you don't need it. -dz
--hlfunc -hf Takes one argument as string to highlight desired function in the graph. -hf "Sort"
--querylist -ql Takes desired query list as numbers with commas as string to plot special graphs. -ql "1, 32,3,76 , 55"
--part -p Like querylist option but it makes parted graphs ten by ten like first ten part, fourth ten part. -p 5
--bottomed -bt If you are highlighting desired function and if it is floating in the graph, it makes the bars bottomed. -bt

Example Use Cases for graph_analyzed_txts.py

This highlights Index Scan function in the graph:

python3 graph_analyzed_txts.py -hf "Index Scan"


This makes it bottomed:

python3 graph_analyzed_txts.py -dz -hf "Index Scan" -bt


This is giving a special graph according to given query list and highlights Index Scan function at the same time:

python3 graph_analyzed_txts.py -hf "Index Scan" --querylist "1, 32,3,76 , 55"


This is giving the seventh part of the main graph:

python3 graph_analyzed_txts.py -p 7


Extra: Creating Indexes

Firstly install hypopg:

export PATH=/home/guest/bsc/postgres-compiled/bin:$PATH
git clone https://github.com/HypoPG/hypopg
USE_PGXS=1 make install

Then install dexter:

wget -qO- https://dl.packager.io/srv/pghero/dexter/key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dexter.list \
  https://dl.packager.io/srv/pghero/dexter/master/installer/ubuntu/$(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_ID).repo
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install dexter

Change required variables in create_indexes.py and then run the script to create indexes in desired database:

python3 create_indexes.py