
Final project ironhack

Primary LanguageJava

Movie Reviews

Description of the project

Movie Reviews is a small application designed to record reviews of movies and TV series.

Users can add their review to the existing movies and series and also add new ones if they are not registered on the database.

Some useful queries have been added to better understand the data stored in the database.

The different user roles will limit the functions to be performed on movies, series and reviews and also on the management of users and roles.

Class and Entity Relationship Diagram

Model Diagram Class Diagram ER Diagram


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repo-name.git
  1. IntelliJ IDEA will automatically import dependencies from the pom.xml file. If you are using another IDE, you may need to manually import the dependencies. 3.Before running the application, make sure you have MySQL installed and running on your machine. You can download it from here.
  2. Create a new database in MySQL:
CREATE DATABASE your_database_name;
  1. In the project directory, you will find a file named application-local-example.properties. Rename this file to application-local.properties.
  2. Open application-local.properties and replace the placeholders with your actual MySQL credentials and database name.

If you are using MySQL, you may need to add the following line to the application-local.properties file:


If you are using MariaDB, you may need to add the following line to the application-local.properties file:

  1. Populate the database with some initial data by running the Example data.sql script located in the assets directory.
  2. Run the application: mvn spring-boot:run

Technologies Used

  • Java 21
  • Spring Boot
  • Maven
  • MySQL
  • Lombok
  • Jakarta Validation
  • Spring Security (Bearer Authentication)
  • springdoc-openapi
  • Swagger UI
  • JUnit 5
  • Mockito

Controllers and Routes structure

Here is a general overview of the controllers and routes in this project:

Route HTTP Method Controller Action Description
/films GET FilmController getAllFilms Returns a list of all films
/films/search/{id} GET FilmController getFilmById Returns a specific film by its ID
/films/search/director/{director} GET FilmController searchFilmsByDirector Returns a list of films by Director
/films/search/genre/{genre} GET FilmController searchFilmsByGenre Returns a list of films by Genre
/films/search/title/{title} GET FilmController searchFilms Returns a list of films by Title
/films/add POST FilmController addFilm Creates a new film
/films/{id} PUT FilmController updateFilm Update a specific film by its ID
/films/{id} DELETE FilmController deleteFilm Delete a specific film by its ID
/tv-series GET TvSeriesController getAllTvSeries Returns a list of all Tv Series
/tv-series/search/{id} GET TvSeriesController getTvSeriesById Returns a specific Tv Serie by its ID
/tv-series/search/title/{title} GET TvSeriesController searchTvSeries Returns a list of Tv Series by its Title
/tv-series/search/genre/{genre} GET TvSeriesController searchTvSeriesByGenre Returns a list of Tv Series by Genre
/tv-series/search/seasons/{seasons} GET TvSeriesController searchTvSeriesBySeasons Returns a list of Tv Series by Number of Seasons
/tv-series/search/episodes/{episodes} GET TvSeriesController searchTvSeriesByEpisodes Returns a list of Tv Series by Number of Episodes
/tv-series/average-seasons GET TvSeriesController getAverageSeasons Returns the average number of seasons of all Tv Series
/tv-series/average-episodes GET TvSeriesController getAverageEpisodes Returns the average number of episodes of all Tv Series
/tv-series/average-episodes GET TvSeriesController getAverageEpisodesPerSeason Returns the average number of episodes per season of all Tv Series
/tv-series/add POST TvSeriesController addTvSeries Creates a new Tv Series
/tv-series/{id} PUT TvSeriesController updateTvSeries Update a specific Tv Series by its ID
/tv-series/{id} DELETE TvSeriesController deleteTvSeries Delete a specific Tv Series by its ID
/miniseries GET MiniSerieController getAllMiniSeries Returns a list of all Miniseries
/miniseries/search/{id} GET MiniSerieController getMiniSerieById Returns a specific Miniseries by its ID
/miniseries/add POST MiniSerieController addMiniSerie Creates a new Miniseries
/miniseries/{id} PUT MiniSerieController updateMiniSerie Update a specific Miniseries by its ID
/miniseries/{id} DELETE MinieSrieController deleteMiniSerie Delete a specific Miniseries by its ID
/animes GET AnimeController getAllAnimes Returns a list of all Animes
/animes/search/{id} GET AnimeController getAnimeById Returns a specific Anime by its ID
animes/search/animationStudio/{animationStudio} GET AnimeController searchAnimesByAnimationStudio Returns a list of all Animes by its Animation Studio
/animes/add POST AnimeController addAnime Creates a new Anime
/animes/{id} PUT AnimeController updateAnime Update a specific Anime by its ID
/animes/{id} DELETE AnimeController deleteAnime Delete a specific Anime by its ID
/film-reviews GET FilmReviewController getAllFilmReviews Returns a list of all Reviews
/film-reviews/search/{username} GET FilmReviewController getFilmReviewByUsername Returns a specific Review by its Username
/film-reviews/search/{id} GET FilmReviewController getFilmReviewById Returns a specific Review by its ID
/film-reviews/average-rating/{title} GET FilmReviewController calculateAverageRatingForFilmByTitle Returns the average rating of a Film
/film-reviews/add POST FilmReviewController addFilmReview Creates a new Film Review
/film-reviews/{id} PUT FilmReviewController updateFilmReview Updates a specific Review
/film-reviews/{id} DELETE FilmReviewController deleteFilmReview Deletes a specific Review
/tv-series-reviews GET TvSeriesReviewController getAllTvSeriesReviews Returns a list of all Reviews
/tv-series-reviews/search/{username} GET TvSeriesReviewController getTvSeriesReviewByUsername Returns a specific Review by its Username
/tv-series-reviews/search/{id} GET TvSeriesReviewController getTvSeriesReviewById Returns a specific Review by its ID
/tv-series-reviews/average-rating/{seriesId} GET TvSeriesReviewController getAverageRatingForSeries Returns the average rating of a Tv Series
/tv-series-reviews/add POST TvSeriesReviewController addTvSeriesReview Creates a new Tv Series Review
/tv-series-reviews/{id} PUT TvSeriesReviewController addTvSeriesReview Updates a specific Review
/tv-series-reviews/{id} DELETE TvSeriesReviewController deleteTvSeries Deletes a specific Review

Access the API Documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html while the server is running

Extra links

Links to the project board and the project presentation.

Future Work

In the future I would like to implement a rating system between users, a “karma”, to have more interaction between them and add a direct relationship between users and reviews, so that users can only edit and delete their own reviews.

I would also like to add the calculation of the average ratings of television series, since the complexity of the inheritance has made me not have time to implement it properly.

Check project board "Furure Work" column to know future implementations on the pipeline
