
Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

VR for Baxter in Unity

A VR interface for visualising and controlling the Baxter Robot in real time. This utilises SteamVR with Unity and ROS.

This project was created in 2016/2017 for my third-year project, for Electronic Engineering with Computer Systems at the University of Surrey.

As a result, lots of this was created naïvely with very limited experience. However, it still works and is used for live demos. The code may be very loosely maintained but no further development is planned, although it could be fun I don't have time.

Please feel free to make issues, ask questions, fork, etc.!


VR control for Baxter Robot with ROS in Unity


This project consists of three parts:

  1. ROS workspace for running on a linux computer connected to the Baxter robot
  2. Unity project for interfacing in VR
  3. Solution for a Windows library callable from Unity, which connects to the linux computer.

This used to work with the HTC Vive. Recently changed to Oculus for demos. Uses SteamVR so if you know what you're doing it's easy to configure.

ROS Workspace

An example workspace can be found in the ros_ws directory. The package is under ros_ws/src/robotic_telepresence



  • rosserial-server
  • baxter stuff (e.g. baxter-interface)


  • moveit
  • pcl-ros
  • openni-launch

Unity Project and Library

The rosnode to communicate with the baxter computer must be compiled.

NOTE: Set your IP address of the baxter computer in the main file.

A command-line application is then called from the Unity game, with shared memory to transfer data between them. The solution can be found in rosnode_windows, and makes use of rosserial_windows. Good luck!

Open the Unity project, and open the Main scene. On pressing play, the command-line application should open in the foreground. It closes when the game closes.


Linux Computer

  • Turn Baxter on

  • Run roscore and set up baxter for running (i.e. untuck arms)

  • Init:

cd /vol/vssp/baxter/ros/baxter_ws
. baxter.sh
cd ~/Documents/Baxter
. ./devel/setup.bash
rostopic pub /robot/sonar/head_sonar/set_sonars_enabled std_msgs/UInt16 0
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -e
rosrun baxter_tools tuck_arms.py -u
  • Everything:
roslaunch robotic_telepresence server.launch
  • OR Visualisation only:
rosrun rosserial_server socket_node
  • Finish:
rosrun baxter_tools tuck_arms.py -t
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -d
  • Turn off Baxter

Windows Computer

Seems to be more reliable if followed:

  1. Make sure Oculus and camera(s) are plugged in. One should work, two is better
  2. Start Oculus program
  3. Open SteamVR
  4. Make sure headset, cameras, controllers are solidly highlighted in green
  5. Open Unity and open my project "Robotic Telepresence"
  6. Press the play button at the top
  7. Black cmd should open. Don't close it, but you can hide it
    • May display error messages here
    • A common one is "Could not open non-blocking". Refer to "if something not working"
  8. If the arms pop into their correct locations, it's working!
  • If SteamVR won't open because you need to log in, then I think you can just play the Unity game, and a copy will automatically open. Might need a few tries this way though


  • Middle finger to grip. Has live feedback
  • Index finger: Click and drag. On release, requests a move to this location. Careful of gripper orientation

Important Notes (probably worth reading)

  • If something isn't working:

    • Restart roslaunch on baxterpc
  • Still not working?

    • Stop Unity game (cmd will close as well)
    • Restart roslaunch on baxterpc
    • Then re-play Unity
  • roslaunch takes a long time to close, but it should close on error ("required" is set)

  • Yes, you can't see the grippers open or close in VR. You can hear them though...

  • If VR seems to be paused or black screen, you might need the "Game" tab open and focused in Unity

  • If you need to move virtual Baxter, I have a Unity GameObject called TRANSFORM on the top level.

  • The headset needs to be tracking (not flashing green) in order to enable other things...


Celyn Walters c.walters@surrey.ac.uk