
Spring integration training project

Primary LanguageJava

Café Sample Application - Pure SI Implementation

See the parent-level README.md for more details, but the flow of the implementation should follow this diagram:

                                                                     hotDrinks       ____________________
                                                                    |==========| -->|                    |
                     orders                   drinks               /                | prepareHotDrink()  |
Place Order ->Cafe->|======|->OrderSplitter->|======|->DrinkRouter                  |                    |
                                                                   \ coldDrinks     | prepareColdDrink() |
                                                                    |==========| -->|                    |

                                                Legend: |====| - channels

Instructions for running the CafeDemo sample

The example comes with two identical configurations. One is ANNOTATION-based another is XML-based

To run this sample simply execute the CafeDemoApp classes in the org.springframework.integration.samples.cafe.xml or org.springframework.integration.samples.cafe.annotation package.

See the configuration files in the META-INF/spring/integration path.