
Спринт 6

Primary LanguagePython

Repo address: https://github.com/cement-hools/Auth_sprint_1/

Flask-based Auth API

Sprint 7 in Practicum middle-python course.
Teamwork of

FastAPI Shows API based on https://github.com/andrey-lepekhin/Async_API_sprint_2

Architecture Image of the process architecture


make prod
# That's all, see for yourself:
curl  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"login\": \"testuser\", \"email\": \"email@example.com\", \"password\": \"testpassword\"}" http://localhost/api/v1/registration | json_pp -json_opt pretty,canonical
make stop


  • Apply migrations
 flask db upgrade
  • Auto-generate migration after a model change
 flask db migrate -m "message"
  • Roll back migration
 flask db downgrade
  • Create empty migration
 flask db revision -m "message"

Create users

While app is running you can create users like so:

make user args="superman super@example.com p@ssword --admin"


Pre-commit hooks

  • pip install pre-commit
  • pre-commit install
  • Done!

You can run it manually via pre-commit run --all-files or wait for pre-commit hooks to do it automatically on commit.

Run dev containers

make dev