
🍭 Candy PHP Framework

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


- 📄 Multi-Page Websites
- 🔗 Get Content by URL
- 📅 Ability to Set Scheduled Tasks
- 🗃️ Multiple Database Connections and Simple, Cachable SQL Operations
- 🗄️ Automatic Daily Web and SQL Backups (& autoclear)
- 🌐 Multi-Language Web Pages
- 🛡️ Secure POST / GET Transactions
- 💨 Automatic AJAX Forms and Pages
- ✉️ Sending Mail With Blade Design
- 🙍 Easy User Login and Query Operations
- ⚙️ Ability to Use Composer Packages
- 🤞 Writing Async Functions
- 🕘 Ability to Run a Past Version of the Site
- 🔥 And more...

You can start using just by throwing the necessary files to the website main directory.
or write the code below in the index.php file and run it!

<?php eval(file_get_contents('https://candypack.dev/i/candyphp'));

PHP 7+