

Primary LanguageShellBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


For years I have strived to make the best and smallest service manager I 
could do. I had written sysmgr, a POSIX shell service manager. It wasn't 
enough. I finally did it, Reddit. This is maximum simplicity, sc.

`sc` is a simplistic hyper-minimal static portable C99 POSIX shell service 
manager in POSIX compliant shell script in a single minimal line of code. 
It is so simple, that it can be run under all POSIX systems. It is so 
static that this readme is part of this hyper-minimal service manager.


- systemd
- POSIX make

The `Makefile` is built-in for maximum minimalistic static-link-like 
portability coolness!

Unit Tests

The unit tests are also built-in for this hyper-minimal service manager, 
just run `sc --test`.


In order to install sc, run (as root if needed):

    ./sc --install PREFIX=/usr


If you still did not pick up on the sarcasm, this is how you look like with 
your minimalistic 'Boost/jQuery/some-other-bloat-library' programs.
SLOC doesn't mean anything if you are calling a huge piece of crap to make 
up for your lack of skills.

If you are making your code unreadable for the sake of SLOC, you are also 
in the wrong. You may not be calling a huge library, but you are giving 
others (and yourself) a hard time reading your code. I have seen 
programmers introduce horrible bugs to perfectly running software just 
because of their obsession with SLOC, and byte size. You should always make 
sure your code is readable and well commented instead of garbling it up to 
brag about your code size. Just take a look at this mess of a code, it 
really is a one-line shell script containing this README file of 52 lines, 
and it is an absolute pain to read. Don't be like this, be smart.