
IBDesignable option button that have vertical stacked title and option labels for iOS and tvOS.

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IBDesignable option button that have vertical stacked title and option labels for iOS and tvOS.


alt tag alt tag


  • Swift 3.0+
  • iOS 9.0+
  • tvOS 9.0+


pod 'OptionButton'


  • Create an instance of OptionButton from code, or drag and drop a UIButton to storyboard and change its class to OptionButton.
  • It is a regular UIButton subclass with a stack view that have nameLabel and optionLabel.
  • You could change the labels text, font and textColor from storyboard.
  • Also you could set other properties from code.
  • You could set the content insets from either storyboard or code by leftInset, rightInset, topInset and bottomInset properties.