
This is a demo project to learn the basics of Unity 2017.

Primary LanguageC#

Unity 2018 tutorial project

This is a demo project to learn the basics of Unity 2018.


  1. Head to https://store.unity.com/download/. As students you are eligible to use Unity Personal edition.

  2. Download and Install UnityHub. This way you can manage multiple versions of Unity on your system.

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  1. Download and install the latest version of Unity 2018.3 (in the image above this would be 2018.3.12f1).

  2. The preselected components are just fine. If you want to develop for a special platform (e.g. Android, Windows Universal Platform, etc.) make sure to check them too.

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  1. Download a code editor for Unity development. The default is Visual Studio Community 2019, which is free to use but does need a Microsoft account. As an alternative you may install Visual Studio Code

Check your setup!

After installing Unity and a code editor you need to make sure your setup is working correctly:

  1. Use GIT to clone this repository.
  2. Open Unity Hub, click Open and select the newly cloned directory.
  3. Click on the h_da-Unity project to open it inside the Unity editor.
  4. Inside Unity navigate to the Scripts directory and double click any of the scripts. A code editor should open up and display the select script.
