
Native iOS Note application for CRRK Term 2 Major Project

Primary LanguageSwift

Note_CRRKTerm2_iOS Project

A native application for iPhone or iPad (or Universal) that allows the user to take and organize notes.

The application should have the following features:

Users can organize the notes by subject (category).
The notes should be stored with the time and date of creation.
Data should be persistent.
Users should be able to search for specific note by title or by keyword that may be contained in a note.
Users should be allowed to sort notes by title or by date/time that were created.
Users should be allowed to take picture (or use a picture that was previously taken) and store it as part of a note.
Users' location that is the information on where the note was taken should be captured as part of the note.
Users later should be able to see the location on a map for every note that was taken.
Users should be able to record audio and associate the audio file with the note.
Users should be able as well to change the subject/category of a note i.e. move a note from one subject/category to another.

Group Members:

Following tutorials can help:

How to record audio using AVAudioRecorder
How to take a photo using the camera and UIImagePickerController