
NGSIM I-80 dataset Leader - Follower Vehicle Trajectory Pairs

Primary LanguageMATLAB

This repository contains MATLAB code to process New Generation SIMulation (NGSIM) Interstate 80 (I-80) vehicle trajectory dataset and extract leader-follower vehicle trajectory pairs. These pairs can be used to analyze driving behaviors and build car following models. Lane change situtaions are removed. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/operations/06137/


  • Download the data from NGSIM website. Go to https://www.its-rde.net/index.php/data/searchdata Create an account and search for the data I-80. Download the vehicle trajectory data. RECONSTRUCTED trajectories-400-0415_NO MOTORCYCLES.csv is used in this project.
  • After getting the csv file, add it under the project folder and run saveNGSIMdata.m
  • Run main.m which contains an example that plots trajectory pair 1 on lane 2. untitled