

Primary LanguageJava

Jersey Validation Exception Mapper reproducer

Working: no CDI

mvn clean package
cd app
java -cp target/classes:target/dependency/* com.kumuluz.ee.EeApplication
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '' localhost:8080/my 

MyValidationExceptionMapper is invoked.

On windows use ; instead of : as -cp delimiter.

Not working: with CDI enabled

In app/pom.xml uncomment:


This brings in jetty 9 with cdi2 module, weld and jersey cdi1x dependency.

Confirm on startup:

2020-11-09 22:00:24,892 INFO  WELD-ENV-001200: Jetty 7.2+ detected, CDI injection will be available in Servlets and Filters. Injection into Listeners should work on Jetty 9.1.1 and newer. {}  


mvn clean package
cd app
java -cp target/classes:target/dependency/* com.kumuluz.ee.EeApplication
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '' localhost:8080/my 

Something does happen with the mapper:

2020-11-09 22:00:25,339 DEBUG  Class, class com.github.cen1.rest.MyValidationExceptionMapper, is being checked with Jersey CDI component provider. {}  
2020-11-09 22:00:25,341 CONFIG  Class, class com.github.cen1.rest.MyValidationExceptionMapper, has been bound by Jersey CDI component provider. {} 

The two mappers which I mentioned in github issue that are picked up by CustomAnnotationLiteral.INSTANCE are not bound with CDI interestingly enough:

2020-11-09 22:00:25,336 DEBUG  Class, class org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.internal.jackson.jaxrs.base.JsonParseExceptionMapper, is being checked with Jersey CDI component provider. {}  
2020-11-09 22:00:25,339 DEBUG  Class, class org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.internal.jackson.jaxrs.base.JsonMappingExceptionMapper, is being checked with Jersey CDI component provider. {}

Log level can be adjusted in resources/log4j2.xml.

Working: Register via AbstractBinder

Uncomment //classes.add(MyFeature.class); in MyRestApplication.