You can sign up for an iyzico account at
- Ruby 1.9.3 or newer
- rest-client
Ruby 1.9.3 will not be supported in March 2018 for TLS 1.2 migration. Please upgrade your Ruby version to minimum 2.0.0. If you have any questions, please open an issue on Github or contact us at
gem install iyzipay
source ''
gem 'iyzipay'
before :all do
@options =
@options.api_key = 'your api key'
@options.secret_key = 'your secret key'
@options.base_url = ''
it 'should create payment' do
payment_card = {
cardHolderName: 'John Doe',
cardNumber: '5528790000000008',
expireYear: '2030',
expireMonth: '12',
cvc: '123',
registerCard: 0
buyer = {
id: 'BY789',
name: 'John',
surname: 'Doe',
identityNumber: '74300864791',
email: '',
gsmNumber: '+905350000000',
registrationDate: '2013-04-21 15:12:09',
lastLoginDate: '2015-10-05 12:43:35',
registrationAddress: 'Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1',
city: 'Istanbul',
country: 'Turkey',
zipCode: '34732',
ip: ''
address = {
address: 'Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1',
zipCode: '34732',
contactName: 'John Doe',
city: 'Istanbul',
country: 'Turkey'
item1 = {
id: 'BI101',
name: 'Binocular',
category1: 'Collectibles',
category2: 'Accessories',
itemType: Iyzipay::Model::BasketItemType::PHYSICAL,
price: '0.3'
item2 = {
id: 'BI102',
name: 'Game code',
category1: 'Game',
category2: 'Online Game Items',
itemType: Iyzipay::Model::BasketItemType::VIRTUAL,
price: '0.5'
item3 = {
id: 'BI103',
name: 'Usb',
category1: 'Electronics',
category2: 'Usb / Cable',
itemType: Iyzipay::Model::BasketItemType::PHYSICAL,
price: '0.2'
request = {
locale: Iyzipay::Model::Locale::TR,
conversationId: '123456789',
price: '1.0',
paidPrice: '1.1',
installment: 1,
paymentChannel: Iyzipay::Model::PaymentChannel::WEB,
basketId: 'B67832',
paymentGroup: Iyzipay::Model::PaymentGroup::SUBSCRIPTION,
currency: Iyzipay::Model::Currency::TRY,
paymentCard: payment_card,
buyer: buyer,
billingAddress: address,
shippingAddress: address,
basketItems: [item1, item2, item3]
payment =, @options)
$stderr.puts payment.inspect
$stderr.puts 'oops'
See other samples under iyzipay-ruby/spec module.
You can run specs with RSpec under spec module.
Test cards that can be used to simulate a successful payment:
Card Number | Bank | Card Type |
5890040000000016 | Akbank | Master Card (Debit) |
5526080000000006 | Akbank | Master Card (Credit) |
4766620000000001 | Denizbank | Visa (Debit) |
4603450000000000 | Denizbank | Visa (Credit) |
4729150000000005 | Denizbank Bonus | Visa (Credit) |
4987490000000002 | Finansbank | Visa (Debit) |
5311570000000005 | Finansbank | Master Card (Credit) |
9792020000000001 | Finansbank | Troy (Debit) |
9792030000000000 | Finansbank | Troy (Credit) |
5170410000000004 | Garanti Bankası | Master Card (Debit) |
5400360000000003 | Garanti Bankası | Master Card (Credit) |
374427000000003 | Garanti Bankası | American Express |
4475050000000003 | Halkbank | Visa (Debit) |
5528790000000008 | Halkbank | Master Card (Credit) |
4059030000000009 | HSBC Bank | Visa (Debit) |
5504720000000003 | HSBC Bank | Master Card (Credit) |
5892830000000000 | Türkiye İş Bankası | Master Card (Debit) |
4543590000000006 | Türkiye İş Bankası | Visa (Credit) |
4910050000000006 | Vakıfbank | Visa (Debit) |
4157920000000002 | Vakıfbank | Visa (Credit) |
5168880000000002 | Yapı ve Kredi Bankası | Master Card (Debit) |
5451030000000000 | Yapı ve Kredi Bankası | Master Card (Credit) |
Cross border test cards:
Card Number | Country |
4054180000000007 | Non-Turkish (Debit) |
5400010000000004 | Non-Turkish (Credit) |
6221060000000004 | Iran |
Test cards to get specific error codes:
Card Number | Description |
5406670000000009 | Success but cannot be cancelled, refund or post auth |
4111111111111129 | Not sufficient funds |
4129111111111111 | Do not honour |
4128111111111112 | Invalid transaction |
4127111111111113 | Lost card |
4126111111111114 | Stolen card |
4125111111111115 | Expired card |
4124111111111116 | Invalid cvc2 |
4123111111111117 | Not permitted to card holder |
4122111111111118 | Not permitted to terminal |
4121111111111119 | Fraud suspect |
4120111111111110 | Pickup card |
4130111111111118 | General error |
4131111111111117 | Success but mdStatus is 0 |
4141111111111115 | Success but mdStatus is 4 |
4151111111111112 | 3dsecure initialize failed |