
Primary LanguagePython

F2 Printer

A utility to print badges to a CR80 printer from a queue system

Also converts partial document-ir to ESC/POS


Run poetry run python3 setup.py

Local development

https://localhost:8631 Under Administration, user root, password root You can add printers, but you'll need to use the IP address of the host instead of a .local address. It'll look something like ipp://

You'll want to install dependencies with

poetry install

And then make a folder called config

mkdir config

and create a config inside with a name like config/print.json and its contents could be...

For example a thermal printer

  "FirstPrinter": {
    "url_prefix": "",
    "access_key": "ABCDwhateverwhatever",
    "printer": "NameHere",
    "thermal": true,
    "columns": 48

For example a CR80 printer

  "SecondPrinter": {
    "url_prefix": "",
    "access_key": "ABCDwhateverwhatever",
    "printer": "NameHere",
    "double_print_supported": true,
    "cr80": true

And finally to run, do something like...

poetry run print config/print.json

Note that the print.json file would be the same name as you did above.


To set up the machine, use root-install.sh on a fresh debian install. Run that as root.

You may want to install the driver for the printer, which can be found at: https://www.hidglobal.com/drivers/41707

It does list some really old 32 bit linux systems, it actually still works fine on 64 bit.

Make sure to set up the printer in the cups admin at https://localhost:631 (ignore the cert error), and to select the correct ribbon type that is inserted.

A handy script called start.sh is ready for you. It expects all the printers are set up (as described above) in config/print.json.