CaptureJS is full webpage capture command-line tool with PhantomJS.
First install PhantomJS.
$ npm install -g capturejs
Usage: capturejs [options]
-u, --uri <value> URI (required)
-o, --output <value> Output image file (required)
-p, --ssl-protocol <value> Sets the SSL protocol for secure connections (default is SSLv3) (sslv3|sslv2|tlsv1|any)
-I, --ignore-ssl-errors Ignores SSL errors (expired/self-signed certificate errors)
-s, --selector <value> CSS selector
-A, --user-agent <value> UserAgent
-J, --javascript-file <value> Inject external script code on Web page
-V, --viewportsize <value> ViewPortSize {width}x{height}
-C, --cliprect <value> ClipRect {top}x{left}x{width}x{height} that will be rendered
-c, --cookies-file <value> Cookies file
-T, --timeout <value> HTTP Timeout (ms)
-R, --renderdelay <value> Render delay (ms)
-z, --zoomfactor <value> Zoom Factor (default is 1.0, i.e. 100% zoom)
-v, --version Show version number and exit
-h, --help Show this message and exit
% capturejs --uri \
--selector '.header' \
--viewportsize 1400x1400 \
--output ''
% capturejs --uri \
--selector '.header' \
--viewportsize 1400x1400 \
--javascript-file ./hidelogo.js \
--output 'phantomjs.org_hide_logo.png'
// hidelogo.js
document.querySelector('.header img').style.visibility = 'hidden';
Copyright (c) 2012 Kazuki Suda. See LICENSE.txt for further details.