
[mirror: https://gitlab.kilic.dev/docker/seafile-cli]

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Seafile client inside a Docker container that can synchronize multiple libraries for the given user credentials.


Mount your libraries to $SEAFILE_MOUNT_LOCATION in subfolders with the library UUIDs that can be obtained through https://seafile.yourdomain.com/libraries/$UUID. It will automatically synchronize the libraries under the given folder for the given user credentials.

Environment Variables


Flag / Environment Description Type Required Default
$LOG_LEVEL Define the log level for the application. String
enum("panic", "fatal", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace")
false info
$ENV_FILE Environment files to inject. StringSlice false


Flag / Environment Description Type Required Default
$USERNAME Email address of the user that owns the libraries. String true
$PASSWORD Password of the user that owns the libraries. String true


Flag / Environment Description Type Required Default
$HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL Health check interval for processes. Duration false 10m
$HEALTH_STATUS_INTERVAL Interval for outputting current status. Duration false 1h


Flag / Environment Description Type Required Default
$SEAFILE_MOUNT_LOCATION Mount location for the libraries. String false /data
$SEAFILE_DATA_LOCATION Mount location for the data. String false /seafile


Flag / Environment Description Type Required Default
$SERVER_URL External url of the given Seafile server. String true


You can check out the example setup inside docker-compose.yml to see how this container can become operational. Please mind the environment variables for the configuration as well as the section about the configuration files and their generation.