After work hours, we mob coffee shops. We ask coffee owners for special discounts on items of their choosing because we are the COFFEE MOB.
Important information about our app:
- We are using Spring Boot as the foundation.
- Our main app will be hosted on Amazon.
- We are going to send our data as JSON to Amazon, which will put this data to Redis. Our JSON data will contain following information:
- Name of the coffee shop
- Date of meeting
- Any discounts if there are
- Location (We may change this data to a Google Maps link at a later sprint)
- Our app on Amazon will have a consumer that persists the incoming JSON to MySql database also hosted on Amazon.
- We are going to publish all our database data through an end-point.
- We are also going to create a simple HTML web page that listens our Amazon app through a Web Socket.
- We are packaging our app as a jar. To deploy the jar to Amazon, we are going to use scp.
- To package the app use: "mvn package" after making sure there are no compilation errors or failing tests.
- I have the necessary .pem file that is needed to ssh and scp the jar file.
- After copying the jar file, ssh to Amazon, and run java -jar coffeeMob-1.0.jar
Here is how to add an item to the Coffee Mob:
- From an app like Postman, send an unauthorized request to
- Here is an example data:
- {"coffeeName":"Kafe Nero", "date":"2016-06-03", "discount":"Coffee: 10%, Cakes: 10%", "location":"Istanbul"}