
Doughnut Maker generates, validates, and unpacks Doughnut certificates

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Doughnut Maker

Patent Pending

The Doughnut Maker generates, validates, and unpacks Doughnut certificates.


This package is not yet in the NPM registry, but you may still install it via npm:

npm install --save cennznet/doughnut-maker


Run tests:

npm test

Run lint:

npm run lint


Interface {
	generate: generateDoughnut,
	verify: verifyDoughnut


Create a new Doughnut certificate, in binary encoding.

The payload version chosen dictates the schema of payloadObject. The signing method chosen dictates the schema of signerKeyPair. Read more about payload versions and signing methods.

async generateDoughnut(
  payloadVersion,     // Payload version - unsigned integer
  signingMethod,      // Signing method - unsigned integer
  payloadObject,      // A JSON Object describing the payload contents - schema dictated by payload version
  signerKeyPair,      // A signing keypair required by the the signing method
) -> Promise<Uint8Array>


Check a Doughnut certificate's validity and return the JSON representation.

async verifyDoughnut(
	doughnut: Uint8Array
) -> Promise<Object> // returns a DoughnutJSONObject if valid

Adding a Signing Method

A signing method is a small module that determines how a signature is created, verified and separated.

The official signing methods and their IDs may be seen here.

There are three high-level steps involved in creating a new signing method.

1. Add

Add a new module to the src/doughnut/signingMethods/ directory, named as the signing method's identifier number

The interface for a signing module is assumed to be:


async sign (
    message: Uint8Array,
    signer: Uint8Array,
) -> Promise<Uint8Array>

async verify (
) -> Promise<Boolean>

separate (
) -> {
    payload: Uint8Array,
    signature: Uint8Array

Any errors are to be raised via throw.

2. Test

Add tests to verify that the sign and verify methods work together, and that the separate method will detach the signature correctly

Tests are written with jest, and will be descovered when they follow the *.spec.js naming convention.

3. Link

The module must be exposed in the src/doughnut/signingMethods/index.js file to be recognised by the doughnut-maker.

Make sure that the module is exposed under the correct signing method id.

Adding a Payload Version

A payload version encoder is a module that encodes and decodes a doughnut payload of a particular version to its binary format and back.

The official payload version formats may be seen here.

There are three high-level steps involved in creating a new payload version encoder.

1. Add

Add a new module to the src/doughnut/payloadVersions/ directory, named as the payload version

The interface for a payload version encoder is assumed to be:


encode (
    payload: Any
) -> Uint8Array

decode (
) -> Any

Note that the encode method is expected to validate the payload given to it, to determine whether it represents a valid doughnut of that version.

Any errors are to be raised via throw.

2. Test

Add tests to verify that the encode and decode methods work together.

Tests are written with jest, and will be descovered when they follow the *.spec.js naming convention.

3. Link

The module must be exposed in the src/doughnut/payloadVersions/index.js file to be recognised by the doughnut-maker.

Make sure that the module is exposed under the correct payload version.