
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Cénotélie Commons - Eclipse Update Site

Cénotélie Commons is a set of useful Java API that can be leveraged for other projects. This repository defines the Eclipse Update Site that can used within Eclipse to give access to the following bundles as Eclipse plugins:

How do I use this software?

The updates sites are deployed to:


Deployed versions are:

Repository structure

  • fr.cenotelie.commons.feature: Eclipse Feature for the bundles.
  • fr.cenotelie.commons.updatesite: Eclipse Update Site definition

How to build

To build the artifacts in this repository using Maven:

$ mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true


This software is licenced under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v3. Refers to the LICENSE.txt file at the root of the repository for the full text, or to the online version.