Zenodo spam classifiers

Spam classification machine learning models for Zenodo records and communities.


First of all, create a virtualenv, install the depencencies, and run the Jupyter notebook server:

mkvirtualenv --python python3.6 zenodo-classifier
(zenodo-classifier) pip install -r requirements.txt
# This will also open Kupyter notebook in your browser
(zenodo-classifier) jupyter notebook

To re-train the model:

  1. Run the dump_zenodo_open_metadata.py script in production to generate the latest dump
  2. Download the dump locally
  3. Open the model_spam_detection_record.ipynb notebook
  4. Update the data_file and model_path variables to point to the new dump location
  5. Run all the cells up to 4. Dump model.

To compare with older models:



  • experiments/ - Experimental model notebooks
  • legacy/ - Legacy model notebooks
  • dump_zenodo_open_metadata.py - Generates a dump from the database, that can be used to train classifier models
  • download_zenodo_open_metadata_archive.py - Downloads and extracts older dumps
  • clean_zenodo_open_metadata.py - Cleans downloaded datasets
  • model_spam_detection_record.ipynb + model_spam_detection_communities.ipynb - Currently used classifier model notebooks for producing a trained model
  • run_model_py.ipynb


  • Improve metrics
  • Update README