This repository maintains the source for the CIlib website.
Please feel free to fork this repo and help us add content by sending us a pull request.
To generate and view the website locally, Jekyll is required. The installation of Jekyll for different operating systems is described below (but please also reference the instructions at the Jekyll wiki).
Note that Jekyll requires Ruby to be present on the system.
Jekyll is installed using either your operating system package manager (applicable to most Linux distros) or via RubyGems:
gem install jekyll
Mac OS X users will need to have XCode, as well as Ruby available on the system to use Jekyll. OSX users may require an update to RubyGems:
sudo gem update --system
Follow the instructions for Unix above. If required, the command may require
superuser access, so prepend the commands with sudo
Get Ruby installed on the system using the RubyInstaller You should use the 1.8.x release if 1.9.x causes you problems with unicode.
Follow the instructions for the RubyInstaller DevKit
Install Jekyll using gem:
gem install jekyll
cd into the
repository directory and build using:
rake preview
The generated site is available at http://localhost:4000
This site uses the RDiscount markdown engine, which is an alternate engine for jekyll. The maruku engine seems to have problems when embedding content, such as some Github gists.
For this reason, it is necessary that you also install the RDiscount gem for ruby:
gem install rdiscount