This repository creates a wrapper for querying and cleaning data from Census APIs which are relevant to the supply chain. The available data sources are listed below. It is specifically created to migrate data into the Supply Chain Information Portal (SCIP) database.
Packages use are documented in sup_chain_env.yml. To create the conda environment, run conda env create -f sup_chain_env.yml
Fill out api_endpoints.yml. Requires a crosswalk which converts state abbreviations to their GEO_IDs in order to run the add_geo function. The path to the crosswalk should be saved in in the variable STATE_GEOID_CROSSWALK. Current crosswalk was made manually by pulling GEOIDs and state names from econ census and then adding state abbreviations. Different survey years use different NAICS codes. We use these concordance files to harmonize all codes to 2022.