
PackagE that geneRates tIme delay plotS caused by graviTatiOnaL lEnsing

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PackagE that geneRates tIme delay plotS caused by graviTatiOnaL lEnsing

PERISTOLE plots the time delay caused by gravitational lensing and other aspects of a pulsar system. Current support exists for graphing :

  • amplification factor
  • latitudinal lensing delay
  • rotational lensing delay
  • geometrical delay
  • gravitational (Shapiro) delay
  • combined geometrical and gravitational time delay

The inspiration for this project comes from papers written by Rafikov & Lai, 2005, 2006 on the double pulsar system J0737-3039. The speciality being that this is the only double pulsar system ever found and that the companion pulsar has an almost edge-on configuration with respect to our line of sight which

presents an unprecedented natural laboratory for testing our understanding of general relativity and pulsar magnetosphere physics


Using pip

The package is installable on Python 3.x. To install the package,

pip install peristole


pip install git+https://github.com/centarsirius/peristole

Using GitHub

Otherwise, clone this repo, and follow the below specified commands

git clone 'https://github.com/centarsirius/peristole'
cd peristole
pip install -e .


A demo pulsar class named 'demo' containing all the values of the double pulsar system PSR J0737-3039 is auto-initiated when importing peristole . Passing 'demo' through the different functions will replicate the results from Rafikov & Lai, 2006.

You can have a hands on session with peristole on google colab here


Future Goals:

  • We currently have a constrained use case but we hope to expand the input pool and also use the query system to fetch pulsar properties to provide a smooth user experience.