🚨ATTENTION🚨 The VERIS mappings have migrated to the Center’s Mappings Explorer project. See README below. This repository is kept here as an archive.
- 2xyoPersonnal
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- ancailliauBrussels
- apasasm
- arledesma@ContraForce
- blubgit
- cabve
- cattleguard
- chrisdfirCisco Talos Incident Response
- davidskiCyentia Institute (@cyentia)
- davudows
- donhackman@nlcloans
- emmanvg@tidalcyber
- fengwenhua北京
- groggiZurich, Switzerland
- he0x
- Hefe23
- hidd3ncod3s
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- inverzeio
- jakewarren
- jcockhren@civichacker
- jonz-secopsMountain State, USA
- lareckIOActive
- leezp
- mattreduce@hashicorp and @srcmtd
- MineshK
- MitrKay
- ozanunal0Infinitum IT
- rajkrish572
- sashank
- simetra4n6
- smolige001
- suksitThailand
- SuperDolby
- superpb9Auckland