JBang is an open source project that allows developers to instantly run java source code files which may rely on dependencies hosted on Maven Central, by using a special comment notation.
This is Mats3's JBang Catalog, which enables a developer to start a "Mats3 optimized" developer ActiveMQ instance as such (featuring the MatsBrokerMonitor for introspection of messages on queues and DLQs, and enables reissuing of DLQ'ed messages)
jbang activemq@centiservice
And when that ActiveMQ instance is running, in another shell start a service consisting of an extremely basic single-stage Mats3 Endpoint:
jbang SimpleService@centiservice@centiservice
And then in third shell invoke that service from a main-class:
jbang SimpleServiceMainFuturization@centiservice
# or
jbang SimpleServiceMainTerminator@centiservice
Or a tad more realistic, fire up a Jetty HTTP server so that you can invoke the Endpoint from a browser:
jbang SimpleServiceHttpServer@centiservice
If you want to play with those files, clone down the project at https://github.com/centiservice/mats3-examples, and look in the jbang