
Primary LanguageC++

An hobbystic and full of love RISC-V Central Processing Unit.

Why this Project

I have been working as a researcher in the field of Computer Architecture for several years, developing CPUs and studying them using specific performance simulators (i.e. gem5). Lately I've come to realize that while I have experience building CPUs at the microarchitectural level, I've never developed a CPU from scratch starting from individual digital components.

Driven by the curiosity to build my own CPU from scratch, I bought an amazing book 1 which sheds light, in a very entertaining way, on the aspects of High-Level Synthesis that I had intended to study and deepen.

This combination of events is perfect since I will be able to build my (hobbystic) CPU in my limited time available starting from a solid foundation such as the one described by Bernand Goossens in the mentioned book.

A testament to the fact that even in the realm of logic and circuits, there was room for the illogical whims of the heart.

Why nasaCPU

Because the primary purpose of this processor will be to power the spaceships we're going to build in the near future, of course. But also because love leads to silly and funny things.

I'll try to update this git with the progress I'll make in reading the book, time permitting. The code will be, at least initially, very similar (if not the same!) to the one reported by Goossens. However, I hope to add additional features along the way in order to personalize this project.

"That's love!"

Install the RISC-V tools

Working with Ubuntu on WLS2 and bash:

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev ninja-build

We are going to install the toolchain, the simulator and the kernel proxy in the /opt/riscv with root permissions.

RISC-V toolchain:

$ git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --enable-multilib --with-arch=rv32i
$ sudo make

Add the toolchain path to .profile:

if [ -d "/opt/riscv" ] ; then

Spike Simulator

Used to simulate the risc-v programs

$ git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isa-sim
$ export RISCV=/opt/riscv
$ cd riscv-isa-sim
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=$RISCV --with-isa=rv32i
$ make
$ sudo make install

Kernel proxy for Spike

Used to execute kernel code without having an entire OS running

$ git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-pk
$ cd riscv-pk
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=$RISCV --host=riscv32-unknown-elf --with-arch=rv32i_zifencei_zicsr
$ make
$ sudo make install


In nasaCPU I am going to use 32-bit instructions with 32-bit integer data. This is the minimal version of RISC-V ISA (named RV32I) what uses 32 registers, sufficient to run basically any simple possible application written and compiled for this instructions set, even a simple Operating System (OS).

I found this OS written in Rust using only the RV32IM isa, I will keep an eye on similar projects.

On top of RV32I I will try to add/build other RISC-V (RV from now on) extensions as exercises, for example:

  • M extension: for the integer multiplication
  • F extension: for the floating-point computation
  • E extension: for embedded systems, basically RV32I but with 16 registers

The full RV Specification is here.


An instruction set is, at the very end, just a set of rules that hardware and software agreed on.


ISA name alias suggested role save in stack
x0 zero hardwired to zero no
x1 ra return address yes
x2 sp stack pointer no
x3 gp global pointer no
x4 tp thread pointer no
x5 t0 temporary no
x6 t1 temporary no
x7 t2 temporary no
x8 s0 saved yes
x9 s1 saved yes
x10 a0 arguments no
x11 a1 arguments no
x12 a2 arguments no
x13 a3 arguments no
x14 a4 arguments no
x15 a5 arguments no
x16 a6 arguments no
x17 a7 arguments no
x18 s2 saved yes
x19 s3 saved yes
x20 s4 saved yes
x21 s5 saved yes
x22 s6 saved yes
x23 s7 saved yes
x24 s8 saved yes
x25 s9 saved yes
x26 s10 saved yes
x27 s11 saved yes
x28 t3 temporary no
x29 t4 temporary no
x30 t5 temporary no
x31 t6 temporary no

Instruction format:

  • R-TYPE: Register
  • I-TYPE: Immediate
  • U-TYPE: Upper
    • J-TYPE: (variant)
  • S-TYPE: Store
    • B-TYPE: (variant)

High-Level Sythesis Notes

The development board used for the experiments is the PYNQ-Z2.

To source the HLS project, run the tcl build script from Vitis HLS console:

source nasaCPU\HLS\fetching_ip\solution1\script.tcl

The Critical Path

This is the simplified exeution loop used for the first version of nasa-CPU.

During execute the new PC counter is calculated so it can be used by the next fetch phase. The entire loop continues until a specific condition (i.e. the RET instruction) is encounted.


Printing the content of test_op_imm_0_text.hex will return the following output:

Generating csim.exe
PC: 0000 -> Instruction: 00500593
PC: 0004 -> Instruction: 00158613
PC: 0008 -> Instruction: 00c67693
PC: 0012 -> Instruction: fff68713
PC: 0016 -> Instruction: 00576793
PC: 0020 -> Instruction: 00c7c813
PC: 0024 -> Instruction: 00d83893
PC: 0028 -> Instruction: 00b83293
PC: 0032 -> Instruction: 01c81313
PC: 0036 -> Instruction: ff632393
PC: 0040 -> Instruction: 7e633e13
PC: 0044 -> Instruction: 01c35e93
PC: 0048 -> Instruction: 41c35f13
PC: 0052 -> Instruction: 00008067

The synthesis in my run reports: 128 BRAM, 225 Flip-Flops, and 272 LUTs.

Looking at the Schedule Viewers, the instruction fetched is used to check the RET, nothing else. The Execute only computes the next PC. Lately I will add more useful work.

HLS Interface

The fetching_ip() top function uses the AXI interface in HLS for the connection with the "outer world". AXI is a simple and powerful protocol, and this pragma is used to connect the FPGA core with the ARM core, indeed is can be used only by top-level function.

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=<connection name>

Pseudoinstructions used

Official reference here.


Return from subroutine.

#define RET               0x8067

Base instruction:

jalr x0, x1, 0

Exporting the RTL design with Vivado HLS

Vivado HLS seems not really happy about folder names with spaces. Initially I was using "exported RTL" as destination for the implementation export, but it seems despite we live in 2023, it is still very hard to handle folder so named.

The quick workaround/solution was to use 'exported_rtl' to export the RTL from Vivado. The exported file is used to create the actual designe using... Vivado IDE!

The IP Design on PYNQ-Z2

The board has an Arm core (also named PS or Processing System) and the programmable FPGA that will be programmed with the fetching IP created. Vivado has a nice tool that try to connect automatically the two components according to their interface/setup, AXI included.

This is how the fetching IP looks like after the proper connections:

We use Vivado not only to connect the IP, but also to crate its HDL wrapper and finally the bitstream we are going to move on the FPGA. This is where we program the FPGA.

Running the exported bitstream on the FPGA

I am using Vitis IDE. A new project is created starting from the XSA (bitstream) generated before. Vitis offers a classic hello_word example useful to test if the board works, the connections are ok and if everything is ready for our fetching_ip.


According to the RV32I spec, the 32 instructions are encoded in the 5 bits of the opcode INSTRUCTION[2-6]. Goossens suggests to implement the decoder using 4 mux in cascade for the bits 2-4 , followed bu a mux driven by bits 5 and 6.

At this stage we don't have much concerns regarding the timing of the two set of multiplexer in cascade, and this approach should be easly optimized by Vivado.

HSL Testbench for the phase2 IP

The phase2 IP is the new ip that add decoding functionalities to the previous fetching ip. This decoding is implementing according to the RISC-V spec, so for each 32-bit instructions the relevant struct are filled with the documented fields: opcode, imm, rs, rd, etc.

The testbench just print the instructions decoded, as follow:

INFO: [SIM 2] *************** CSIM start ***************
INFO: [SIM 4] CSIM will launch GCC as the compiler.
   Compiling ../../../src/fetching_decoding_ip.cpp in debug mode
   Generating csim.exe
PC: 0 , realPC: 0000 , instruction: 00500593
opcode:      4
rd:          b
func3:       0
rs1:         0
rs2:         5
func7:       0
PC: 1 , realPC: 0004 , instruction: 00158613
opcode:      4
rd:          c
func3:       0
rs1:         b
rs2:         1
func7:       0
PC: 2 , realPC: 0008 , instruction: 00c67693
opcode:      4
rd:          d
func3:       7
rs1:         c
rs2:         c
func7:       0
PC: 3 , realPC: 0012 , instruction: fff68713
opcode:      4
rd:          e
func3:       0
rs1:         d
rs2:        1f
func7:      7f
PC: 4 , realPC: 0016 , instruction: 00576793
opcode:      4
rd:          f
func3:       6
rs1:         e
rs2:         5
func7:       0
PC: 5 , realPC: 0020 , instruction: 00c7c813
opcode:      4
rd:         10
func3:       4
rs1:         f
rs2:         c
func7:       0
PC: 6 , realPC: 0024 , instruction: 00d83893
opcode:      4
rd:         11
func3:       3
rs1:        10
rs2:         d
func7:       0
PC: 7 , realPC: 0028 , instruction: 00b83293
opcode:      4
rd:          5
func3:       3
rs1:        10
rs2:         b
func7:       0
PC: 8 , realPC: 0032 , instruction: 01c81313
opcode:      4
rd:          6
func3:       1
rs1:        10
rs2:        1c
func7:       0
PC: 9 , realPC: 0036 , instruction: ff632393
opcode:      4
rd:          7
func3:       2
rs1:         6
rs2:        16
func7:      7f
PC: 10 , realPC: 0040 , instruction: 7e633e13
opcode:      4
rd:         1c
func3:       3
rs1:         6
rs2:         6
func7:      3f
PC: 11 , realPC: 0044 , instruction: 01c35e93
opcode:      4
rd:         1d
func3:       5
rs1:         6
rs2:        1c
func7:       0
PC: 12 , realPC: 0048 , instruction: 41c35f13
opcode:      4
rd:         1e
func3:       5
rs1:         6
rs2:        1c
func7:      20
PC: 13 , realPC: 0052 , instruction: 00008067
opcode:     19
rd:          0
func3:       0
rs1:         1
rs2:         0
func7:       0
14 fetched and decoded instructions
INFO: [SIM 1] CSim done with 0 errors.
INFO: [SIM 3] *************** CSIM finish ***************

Timing plot

Following the usual Schedule View for the three main functions: fetch, decode, execute:

Place Design

After generating the bitstream on Vivado for the fetching_decoding_ip, we can check on the report the FPGA utilization.

Site Type Used Fixed Prohibited Available Util%
Slice LUTs 1344 0 0 53200 2.53
LUT as Logic 1284 0 0 53200 2.41
LUT as Memory 60 0 0 17400 0.34
LUT as Distributed RAM 0 0
LUT as Shift Register 60 0
Slice Registers 884 0 0 106400 0.83
Register as Flip Flop 884 0 0 106400 0.83
Register as Latch 0 0 0 106400 0.00
F7 Muxes 0 0 0 26600 0.00
F8 Muxes 0 0 0 13300 0.00

The LUTs utilization is still pretty low even for the little board I am working with (PYNQ-Z2). But this number is likely to increase soon wheh more realistic hardware is added. So far we just fetch and decode rv32i instructions, not much except some mutex and some logic without timing constrains.

The device for the fetching_decoding_ip, after synthesis, is the follow:

Where the single FPGA cell looks like:

Very simple, but it is just a starting point.


The rv32i_npp_ip is the first attempt to have a full rv32i RISC-V Cpu in this trip into the cpu design. Indeed it does not only fetch and decode, but also execute (branches included) instructions, writing the results back to the appropriate entry in the register file.

The procedure, before moving to vivado and the board, is the same:

  1. IP Design using HLS with vitis
  2. design test using a testbench
  3. C Simulation
  4. IP Synthesis (still in Vitis)
  5. Report Check, stats, usage, etc
  6. C/RTL Co-simulation, to verify everything is correct, before moving to Vivado
  7. Implementation run + RTL Export


The HLS implementation has been reused from Goossens report, so we can start from there to add any/other/further custom modifications or just more debug4fun support.

Be sure it passes!

Finished Export RTL/Implementation esults:

Refactoring of rv32i_pp

After an off-side study of HLS and some aspect of the code optimmization, I decided to revisit the rv32i_cpp by starting with a very light refactoring -- for learning/understanding purpose.

The code still reflect the original work, but the refactoring will allow me to revisit some unclear aspects and modify them later.

Migration to Vitis Unified IDE 2023

With the new Vitis Unified IDE, the flow is slightly changed. I removed/migrated the old IP components and I cleaned up a little bit the old mess I created with my previous experiments.

The new flow is something like that:

  1. Create a new workspace in Vitis Unified IDE (Vitis from now on)
    • This is important, I spent hours to understand why i was not able to create an HLS component out of the box...
  2. Create a new HLS component
  3. Create a platform using the XSA generated and exported from Vivado
  4. Create a new testing app attached to the generated platform

I am also experimenting some hybrid solution like using multiple variant (designs) in vivado to keep a single project for the multiple IP cores, or having a single platform on Vitis and switch XSA when needed.


  1. Guide to Computer Processor Architecture, A RISC-V Approach, with High-Level Synthesis - Bernard Goossens