Uurimislaegas on veebiportaal, mis koosneb kuuest omavahel integreeritud moodulist: kasutajahaldus, uurimistööde repositoorium, pädevuste hindamismoodul, suhtlemismoodul, avatud õpimärkide (Open Badges) tehnoloogial põhinev auhindade moodul ja haldusmoodul.
- PHP 5.4+
- Wordpress (v 4.4+)
- AngularJS (v1.3.12) (not newer because of some dependencies of modules)
#####Neede plugins for Wordpress:
WP REST API, v1.2.5
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields (v2.6.1)
Wordpress Social Login (v2.3.0)
#######Wordpress plugin already included with install:
- Ark of Inquiry Authentication and Settings
- Pods JSON API (samanimelise plugina muudetud versioon)
- Ark of Inquiry OpenBadges
- Download and unpack the webapp from the production branch to the server
- Install Wordpress in the same server in a subfolder called '/api'
- Set up Wordpress and make sure the Wordpress Address and Site Address under General Settings are pointing to the same /api folder
- Set permalinks (Settings > Permalinks) to 'Post name'
- Add the following plugins to Wordpress
- WP REST API, v1.2.5
- Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields (newest)
- Wordpress Social Login (newest)
- In the Pods plugin, enable the following components (Pods Admin > Components)
- Advanced Content Types
- Migrate Packages
- Roles and Capabilities
- Table Storage
- Import Pods settings from the file 'pods_settings.txt' (Pods Admin -> Migrate Packages -> Import)
- Give the site administrator all the new extra capabilities (Pods Admin -> Roles & Capabilities -> Administrator -> Toggle All Capabilities on -> Save)
- Make the default new user role 'Learner' (Settings - General) and disable the 'Anyone can register' checkbox (this only makes sure noone can make accounts on the API(Wordpress) login screen, account creation from the frontend still works)
- Under Settings -> Ark of Inquiry Settings - upload the corresponding images
- Under Settings -> Ark of Inquiry Settings - Click the Populate database button which fills Wordpress with help-pages, default Badges and fixes any Pods item relationship bindings
- Under OpenBadges Settings follow the instructions on the settings page to fill the two inputs with public and private keys for signing badges for OpenBadges
- Configure Social login plugin
- Facebook
- Go to address https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
- Create a new app (type - Website)
- It's easier to skip the quick start wizard flow after entering the app name and go straight to the dashboard
- Go to Settings menu, enter your website in the Site URL input in the Basic tab (like http://arkportal.domain.ee)
- In the Settings menu's Advanced tab enter the same URL to the 'Valid OAuth redirect URIs' input (in the Client OAuth Settings block down the page)
- Go to the App Review menu and make your app public (from development mode to Live mode)
- Create a new app (type - Website)
- Go to the Ark platform Wordpress admin page
- Under Settings choose WP Social Login
- Enable Facebook integration and copy your App ID and Secret key from the Facebook app dashboard to the plugin
- Go to address https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
- Google
- Go to address https://console.developers.google.com
- Create a new Project (when the popup for project name appears, choose to show advanced options and choose 'europe-west' as the app engine location (assuming you are based in Europe))
- In the sidebar click Credentials and then Create credentials (type - OAuth client ID)
- Fill on the necessary fields (as the Product logo URL you can put http://YOUR_DOMAIN/images/group_logo.png - this is an already existing file on your server)
- On the next screen choose Web application as the type
- Put your website domain in the Authorized JavaScript origins field (like 'http://arkportal.domain.ee')
- Place this URL and the Authorized redirect URI (don't change anything but your domain in the beginning of the URL!):
- http://YOUR_DOMAIN/api/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-social-login/hybridauth/?hauth.done=Google
- You will be given a client ID and a Secret key
- Copy these keys to WP Social Login settings under Google (See Facebook step 2.)
- Go to address https://console.developers.google.com
- Facebook
- Make sure the webapp's configuration file ('ng/config.js') has the correct values for 'appBase' and 'apiUrl'. These should be relative Url's to your domain root, if you installed the app straight to the root (ex. sub.mydomain.com/) and not a subfolder then you probably don't have to change these.
Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera 15, IE9 ja mobiililehitsejad (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari)