
E-etteütlus on veebipõhine rakendus etteütluste läbiviimiseks. Rakenduse abil saab haldusliideses lisada ja hallata etteütluseste alustekste ning näha tulemusi ning avalikus vaates sooritada e-etteütluseid.

Server requirements:

  1. PHP 5.6+, PHP 7.0 recommended
  • Extensions: mbstring, json, mysqli
  1. MySql 5.0+


  1. Copy all files into a PHP directory
  2. Make sure that .htaccess file is still present after copying
  • Make sure that rewrite_engine is on
  • Check if RewriteBase has to be configured if running from subdirectory
  1. Configure "config.php"
  2. Execute "deploy.php", if deployment fails, manually delete the created database (if any) before retry
  • Note: After deployment, "deploy.php" cannot be used to attack the program, however it can be deleted if you like


  1. /user.html or root is used to access the test performer side
  2. /conductor.html or /conductor or /admin is used to access the conductor / administrator side

