
Package for interfacing Stanford's C GloVe implementation from Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Package for interfacing Stanford's C GloVe implementation from Python.


Install glovpy from PyPI:

pip install glovpy

Additionally the first time you import glopy it will build GloVe from scratch on your system.


We highly recommend that you use a Unix-based system, preferably a variant of Debian. The package needs git, make and a C compiler (clang or gcc) installed.

Otherwise the implementation is as barebones as it gets, only the standard library and gensim are being used (gensim only for producing KeyedVectors).

Example Usage

Here's a quick example of how to train GloVe on 20newsgroups using Gensim's tokenizer.

from gensim.utils import tokenize
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups

from glovpy import GloVe

texts = fetch_20newsgroups().data
corpus = [list(tokenize(text, lowercase=True, deacc=True)) for text in texts]

model = GloVe(vector_size=25)

for word, similarity in model.wv.most_similar("god"):
    print(f"{word}, sim: {similarity}")
word similarity
existence 0.9156746864
jesus 0.8746870756
lord 0.8555182219
christ 0.8517201543
bless 0.8298447728
faith 0.8237065077
saying 0.8204566240
therefore 0.8177698255
desires 0.8094088435
telling 0.8083973527

API Reference

class glovpy.GloVe(vector_size, window_size, symmetric, distance_weighting, alpha, min_count, iter, initial_learning_rate, threads, memory)

Wrapper around the original C implementation of GloVe.


Parameter Type Description Default
vector_size int Number of dimensions the trained word vectors should have. 50
window_size int Number of context words to the left (and to the right, if symmetric is True). 15
alpha float Parameter in exponent of weighting function; default 0.75 0.75
symmetric bool If true, both future and past words will be used as context, otherwise only past words will be used. True
distance_weighting bool If False, do not weight cooccurrence count by distance between words. If True (default), weight the cooccurrence count by inverse of distance between the target word and the context word. True
min_count int Minimum number of times a token has to appear to be kept in the vocabulary. 5
iter int Number of training iterations. 25
initial_learning_rate float Initial learning rate for training. 0.05
threads int Number of threads to use for training. 8
memory float Soft limit for memory consumption, in GB. (based on simple heuristic, so not extremely accurate) 4.0


Name Type Description
wv KeyedVectors Token embeddings in the form of Gensim keyed vectors.



Train the model on a stream of texts.

Parameter Type Description
tokens Iterable[list[str]] Stream of documents in the form of lists of tokens. The stream has to be reusable, as the model needs at least two passes over the corpus.


Function decorator that turns your generator function into an iterator, thereby making it reusable. You can use this if you want to reuse a generator function so that multiple passes can be made.


Parameter Type Description
gen_func Callable Generator function that you want to be reusable.


Returns Type Description
_multigen Callable Iterator class wrapping the generator function.

Example usage

Here's how to stream a very long file line by line in a reusable manner.

from gensim.utils import tokenize
from glovpy.utils import reusable
from glovpy import GloVe

def stream_lines():
    with open("very_long_text_file.txt") as f:
        for line in f:
            yield list(tokenize(line))

model = GloVe()