
Admin web interface for Centrifugo real-time messaging server

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Centrifugo admin web interface.

To develop (requires Node v16):

npm i
npm run dev

To build production dist:

npm run build

Develop with Centrifugo

To develop admin web UI with Centrifugo use admin_web_proxy_address Centrifugo option. So you can run npm run dev, also run Centrifugo with config like:

    "admin": true,
    "admin_password": "<REPLACE_WITH_PASSWORD>",
    "admin_secret": "<REPLACE_WITH_SECRET>",
    "admin_web_proxy_address": "http://localhost:3000"

Then go to http://localhost:8000 and web UI will be served, with UI auto-reload feature working.

Run Centrifugo with custom admin UI

You can run Centrifugo with custom path to web interface. You may need to do this for example if you want to contribute into this web interface and need to test your changes. Or you just want to use an alternative admin web interface for Centrifugo. To do this you need to add admin_web_path to Centrifugo config file and set its value to file system path to dist folder:

    "admin_web_path": "/path/to/centrifugal/web/dist/"

Run Centrifugo and it will serve custom web interface instead of embedded one.