Tinlake Deploy

Contains the scripts to deploy the Tinlake contracts to Ethereum mainnet or a testnet.


  1. Tinlake is built and developed with dapp.tools from DappHub. The deployments happen with bash scripts and the command-line tool seth. ! note: dapp.tools version has to be > 0.28.0.
  2. On MacOS, install coreutils brew install coreutils (this package cotains realpath, a dependency used in the scripts).
  3. On Linux, install jq, e. g. with apt-get install jq
  4. Init/update git submodules: git submodule update

Deploy Config File

For a deployment, a config file needs to be defined.

Required Parameters

  "ETH_RPC_URL": "<<RPC URL>>",
  "ETH_FROM": "<<ADDRESS>>",

NAV Feed

It is possible to use the Principal NAV Feed or the Creditline NAV Feed

You can either set:

 "NAV_IMPLEMENTATION": "principal"


 "NAV_IMPLEMENTATION": "creditline"

Optional Parameters

  "ETH_GAS": "<<NUMBER>>",

The config file can contain addresses for Fabs.
TINLAKE_CURRENCY defines the stablecoin for the Tinlake. For example on mainnet this could be the DAI stablecoin or any other ERC20 contract.
MAIN_DEPLOYER is a contract which deploys our factories with the create2 opcode. The other parameters are default config parameters from seth
SENIOR_INTEREST_RATEshould follow ONE as 10^27 (ratePerSecond)
MAX_RESERVE should follow ONE as 10^18
MAX_SENIOR_RATIO should follow ONE as 10^27
MIN_SENIOR_RATIO should follow ONE as 10^27
CHALLENGE_TIME should be in seconds
DISCOUNT_RATE should follow ONE as 10^27 (ratePerSecond) SENIOR_TRANCHE_SYMBOL string not longer then 6 chars
SENIOR_TRANCHE_SYMBOL string not longer then 6 chars

Maker Parameters

  "IS_MKR": true,
  "WIRE_CLERK": false,
  "MKR_DAI": "<<ADDRESS>>",
  "MKR_VOW": "<<ADDRESS>>",
  "MKR_VAT": "<<ADDRESS>>",
  "MKR_JUG": "<<ADDRESS>>",
  "MKR_LIQ": "<<ADDRESS>>",
  "MKR_END": "<<ADDRESS>>",
  "MKR_MAT_BUFFER": "10000000000000000000000000"

Deploy Contracts

Build Contracts

make build

Deploy Contracts

For deploying the contracts execute the following script.

make deploy

The default filepath of the configfile is: ./config_$(seth chain).json seth chain returns the name of the current chain based on the provided

Resuming a deployment

If a deployment failed inbetween, you can resume the deployment. You can do this by running:

RESUME=1 make deploy

Local Test Deployment of Contracts

1. Set env variables (Optional)

Adjust .env-example.sh, and run source env-example.sh.

2. Build contracts

make build

3. Start your own local testnet. Run in a seperated terminal

dapp testnet

4. Generate Test Config File

make test-config

This should generate a default config file at ./bin/config_unknown.json. Modify that file if needed.

5. Run deploy script

make deploy

Starts the deploy script with autogenerated default test-config file.

Docker-based Test Deployment of Contracts

1. Build the docker image

docker build -t centrifugeio/tinlake-deploy:latest .

2. Run a docker container

docker run --rm -p 8545:8545 centrifugeio/tinlake-deploy:latest

Util Scripts

Create Main Deployer

dapp create MainDeployer

Verify Contracts

  1. add env var with your etherscan API key export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=<<YOUR KEY>>
  2. Make sure you have addresses file This should generate a file at ./addresses_$(seth chain).json in your deployments folder. The file is autogenerated during the deployment process.
  3. run verification script
make verify