
A kotlin JS library to construct and control Bulma elements (https://bulma.io)

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


bulma-kotlin is a Kotlin JS library that creates and controls Bulma elements. It's developed and used at Centyllion (Twitter).


  • The project is in its early days it needs maturing. The API is subject to changes especially the package name which is now just bulma.
  • There is almost no documentation yet.
  • Some elements depends on Bulma extensions like Toasts and Sliders, it needs to be sorted out

What's this ?

Bulma is a CSS only library that allows you to build beautiful websites. bulma-kotlin is a Kotlin library for the browser that helps you build web-apps using Bulma with all elements available as classes. To create an icon just create an bulma.Icon and add it to the DOM, then you can change it's properties that are applied.

// creates the icon
val icon = Icon('plus')
// adds it to the DOM
// the change in style is automatically applied
icon.rounded = true

bulma-kotlin allows you to add simple callback on elements like buttons, inputs, etc.. Since Bulma elements can be stacked, it's easy to build complex components. It also provides controllers that links data and Bulma elements. Especially a special MultipleController that deals with lists.

The binaries for bulma-kotlin are published in the GitHub packages. It requires the new IR format, (LEGACY isn't supported). To be able to download them from your gradle, you'll need a Github Token (see GitHub's instructions). Store your user and token in $HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties file named gprUser and gprToken.


Then configure your project (with gradle Kotlin DSL) to use the repository and include the dependency.

val grpUser: String by project
val grpToken: String by project

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/centyllion/bulma-kotlin")
        credentials {
            username = grpUser
            password = grpToken
    // needed for the transitive dependency `kotlinx-html` 
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/kotlinx-html/maven")


dependencies {

Other solution can be applied, this one is just one example.

The Bulma CSS library isn't added by bulma-kotlin, a version must be available (Getting started with Bulma) and explicit to allow further extensions to be added.

Few interesting facts

bulma-kotlin relies a lot on delegated properties to handle Bulma element properties. It helps to keep the code clear. The delegated classes can be found in utils.kt. Implementing a new property is one liner:

// adds a property to handle the class `is-rounded` in the button
var rounded by className(rounded, "is-rounded", root)

This method also apply to multiple children of an element. Here is the complete code for a Box:

/** [Box](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/box) element. */
class Box(vararg body: BulmaElement) : BulmaElement {
    override val root: HTMLElement = document.create.div("box")

    var body by bulmaList(body.toList(), root)

When the value of multiple elements has changed a simple diff algorithm is applied to update the DOM.

Change logs

0.5.0 (9th of August 2021)

  • Adapts to IR
    • bulma.extension.ToastAnimation and bulma.extension.ToastOptions are now interface. Use BasicToastAnimation or BasicToastOptions.

0.4.3 (8th of June 2021)

  • Retrieve missing Slider component

0.4.2 (8th of June 2021)

  • Migration to GitHub package repository
  • Uses Kotlin 1.5.0

0.4.1 (12th of February 2021)

  • Adds the support for thr badge extension.
  • Adds a utility function to add a BulmaElement into another.

0.4.0 (26th of October 2020)

  • Adds Spacing enum class
  • Adds size support for Label
  • Correct Panel title change
  • Correct Card header icon class
  • Correct Select initial selection

0.3.2 (1st of June 2020)

  • Adds support for multiple select (API change on the listener to a list of Option).
  • Adds support for column offsets.
  • PanelTabsItem.onClick can now be modified after creation.
  • Delete.onClick can now be modified after creation.

0.3.1 (29th of october 2019)

  • Adds Buttons list
  • Adds is-light for tags.

0.3.0 (22th of october 2019)

  • Adds support for Bulma 0.8.0:
    • Support of is-light for buttons.
    • Support of colors for panels.
  • Corrects NavBar bug with end placement.

0.2.1 (15th of october 2019)

  • Adds log when applying diff
  • Better constructor for ProgressBar
  • Support for input type
  • Adds Radio button element

0.2 (2nd of october 2019)

  • Adds @JsModule imports for bulmaToast

0.1.7 (30th of september 2019)

  • Adds Table element
  • Adds variable gap for Columns
  • Adds support for is-circle on Slider
  • Moves slider to extension
  • Moves toast to extension

0.1.6 (29th of september 2019)

  • Adds support for Switch extension

0.1.5 (26th of september 2019)

  • Removes reference to InputEvent which isn't supported by Edge.

0.1.4 (5th of september 2019)

  • Bug fix disable Select element.
  • Adds TagDelete element (source).
  • Adds size and add-ons for Tags (source).
  • Adds support for Delete inside a Tag.

0.1.3 (4th of september 2019)

  • Bug fix Left and right icons for Control element.


First import with most of the elements and options with Bulma version 0.7.5.

The known missing elements are:

  • Tables
  • Radio groups