A short python program help you get a lecture of XMU
you may need a python3 environment with modules: requests, PIL, aip additional.
try to use pip3 install requests, Pillow, baidu-aip
USER = 'username'
PASS = 'password'
"""alter a new lecture_id, use F12(inspect element) to find"""
CLASS = '{60d035ae-0910-4358-9f68-670e93e4b2d1}',
"""see baidu orc api at:https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/OCR/OCR-Python-SDK.html"""
""" your APPID AK SK """
APP_ID = 'your App ID'
API_KEY = 'your Api Key'
SECRET_KEY = 'your Secret Key'
All of the above parameters configured, run it