
Primary LanguageJavaScript



docker-compose up --build -d

Docker exposes 8080 app port and 5432 pgsql port for convenience

Rest API:

GET  /account/                                                  - returns current session user
GET  /account/:id                                               - get user by id
POST /account/transfer/:from/:to         { amount }             - transfer from :from to :to
POST /auth/login                         { name, password }     - login using JWT
POST /auth/register                      { name, password }     - create new user


  • pg - pgsql databas
  • migrate - initial migrations creating accounts and changes tables
  • seed - initialize db with some mock data
  • app - nodejs server


Actually no good tests here, but I wrote an interesting benchmark test for different transaction isolation levels.
You can run it locally after change .env file, you will need to set PGHOST=