- curl
- httpie
- uPython (MicroPython/ CircuitPython)
- Pyserial
- smbus2: I2C framework
- paho-mqtt: Eclipse Paho MQTT Python client library
- Fire: automatically generate CLIs (command-line interfaces)
- Cython
- ipython
- JupyterLab
- venv
- Poetry
- pprint: pretty print with json
- datetime
- Arrow: works with dates and times
- Delorean: python library for enhancing DateTime
- yfinance: Yahoo! Finance market data downloader
- InvestPy
- TA-Lib # download from whl
- OpenCV : insall
- SciKit-Image
- Piddle: A Python Graphics API
- Luminoth: dedicated for computer vision
- Mahotas: Python image processing library
- Pydub: Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface.
- ReportLab: An Open Source Python library for generating PDFs and graphics.
- python-pptx: Python library for creating and updating PowerPoint (.pptx) files
- FlashText: offers easy search and replacement of words from documents
- Tornado: a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library
- Twisted: An event-driven networking engine
- Django: The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
- Pyramid: The Start Small, Finish Big Stay Finished Framework
- Flask: a lightweight WSGI web application framework
- Streamlit
- Plotly-Dash
- Requests
- urllib
- pymongo
- sqlite
- SQLAlchemy: Database Abstraction Library for Python
- Beautiful Soup
- Selenium
- Scrapy: A Fast and Powerful Scraping and Web Crawling framework
- Panda3D
- Renpy
- Bigworld
- Traits & TraitsUI
- PyGame
- NumPy
- SciPy
- SymPy
- Pandas
- Theano
- GeoPandas: GDF, extends the datatypes used by pandas to allow spatial operations on geometric types
- Matplotlib
- TVTK & Mayavi : Visualization Toolkit.
- handcalcs: Python calculations in Jupyter, as though you wrote them by hand
- Plotly
- Bokeh
- mindmap
- Scikit-Learn
- AutoSklearn: is an automated machine learning toolkit and a drop-in replacement for a scikit-learn estimator.
- statsmodel
- sktime: a Unified Python Library for Time Series Machine Learning
- pmdarima: similarly to R’s well-known auto.arima as possible
- arch: ARCH, GARCH model - Github
- PyFlux
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- PyTorch
- PySpark
- AutoKeras: An AutoML system based on Keras
- NLTK: Natural language toolkit
- Gensim: python natural library processing library
- TextBlob: most simplified Python NLP libraries – for textual data processing
- XGBoost
- LightGBM
- pandarallel: A simple and efficient tool to parallelize your pandas computation on all your CPUs blog
- threading: Thread-based parallelism
- multiprocessing — Process-based parallelism
- Python Build-in package
- Deep Graph
- PyGraph Geometry
- Spark GrapheFrame
- Cirq: noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) circuits
- NetworkX: immense solutions for studying and diagnosing graphs of all levels
- P5.js: JavaScript library for creative coding
- ML5.js: Friendly Machine Learning for the Web
- Brain.js: GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript
- Tensorflow.js: library for machine learning in JavaScript
- Babylon.js: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, OpenWeb-Based 3D At Its Best
- Matter.js: a 2D physics engine for the web
- D3.js: JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data
- vis.js: A dynamic, browser based visualization library
- cannon.js
- threejs
- smtp.js
- tangible.js
- johnny-five
- involt
- nw.js
- Google Chart
- Rollup.js: The JS module bundler
- JerryScript: A JavaScript engine for Internet of Things
- IoT.js: A framework for Internet of Things
- TypeScript: Typed JavaScript at Any Scale.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- Deno: simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust
- Vue.js: The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- Angular: a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications
- AngularJS: Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework
- Material-UI: React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design.
- EmberJS: A framework for ambitious web developers
- Ionic - Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
- JQuery: changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript
- Bootstrap: Build fast, responsive sites with Bootstrap
- .Net - Free. Cross-platform. Open source. A developer platform for building all your apps.
- Materialize: a modern responsive CSS framework based on Material Design by Google
- Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
- WordPress
- Flutter: Beautiful native apps in record time by Google
- Weex: Framework for building performant mobile apps with modern web technology by Alibaba
- Ant Design: The world's second most popular React UI framework
- React native: A framework for building native apps using React by Facebook
- React: an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components.
- Cordova: Mobile apps with HTML, CSS & JS
- Reveal.js: The HTML Presentation Framework
- Webslide: HTML presentation
- Express.js: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
- Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, Joomla
- Rapid API: One SDK. One API key. One dashboard
- udpapi
- elastic email
- Protocol buffers: language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.
- Python / uPython
- JavaScript
- Java
- C/C++/Arduino
- WebAssembly
- Emscripten: a toolchain for compiling to asm.js and WebAssembly, built using LLVM, that lets you run C and C++ on the web at near-native speed without plugins
- C#
- Dart: a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform.
- TypeScript: Typed JavaScript at Any Scale.
- Go: Open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
- Swift: A powerful and intuitive programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS and beyond
- Kotlin: A modern programming language that makes developers happier.
- Julia: A fresh approach to technical computing.
- Scala : combines object-oriented and functional programming in one concise, high-level language.
- Processing, p5.js, Processing.py, Processing for Android/Pi
- Perl: highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 30 years of development.
- Rust: A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
- Matlab/Octave
- R: Free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
- Lua: powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.
- HTML :-)
- VB 6/ VB.NET
- PowerShell, Bat
- Bash / Shell script
- Assembly language
- AHK: AutoHotkey, Free keyboard macro program
- .Net
- Chapel: Parallel Programming Language
- NESL: A Parallel Programming Language
- OpenACC
- mp3, aac
- mp4, H.264, H.265
- HEIF: High Efficiency Image File Format
- WebP: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp
- Reddis
- memcached
- etcd
- Apache HBase
- cassandra
- MongoDB
- Firestore
- DynamoDB
- Apache CouchDB
- PostgreSQL
- SQL server
- CockroachDB
- Graph DB Benefit
- neo4j
- dgraph
- Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
- JanusGraph
- Alpache Lucene
- Elastic Search
- Solr
- Algolia
- Meili Search
- FaunaDB
- Realtime database
- MongoDB
- influxdata: Real-time visibility into stacks sensors and system. Open source time series database
- JuliaDB
- nedb: Embedded persistent or in memory database for JS
- Aerospike DB
- RocksDB
TimescaleDB is the leading open-source relational database for time-series data. Fully managed or self‑hosted. https://www.timescale.com/
Apache Cassandra: Manage massive amounts of data, fast, without losing sleep https://cassandra.apache.org/
PostgreSQL: The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database https://www.postgresql.org/ https://towardsdatascience.com/python-and-postgresql-how-to-access-a-postgresql-database-like-a-data-scientist-b5a9c5a0ea43
ScyllaDB: The Real-Time Big Data Database https://www.scylladb.com/
- Arduino: Uno, Nano, Micro, Due, Yun, MKR, Nano 33, Leonardo | AVR, ARM Cortex-M
- Espressif: ESP32, ESP8266, ESP01 | Tensilica Xtensa by Cadence
- Espressif: ESP32-C3 | RISC-V
- BBC micro:bit | ARM Cortex-M
- Raspberry Pi: 4/3/Zero W/CM | ARM Cortex-A
- Orange Pi: Chinese SBC | ARM Cortex-A
- Banana Pi: Chinese SBC | ARM Cortex-A
- Sony spresense
- Teensy USB Development Board
- T-FireFly: Server, Computer, Accelerator | GPU
- iEiworld: ODM | GPU
- ARM: Cortex-A/R/M
- STMicroelectronics: STM32/STM8/SPC5 - W/L/F/G/H/MP (CubeMX)| ARM Cortex-M/A
- Microchip Atmel: ATMega, ATTiny, PIC24, SAMD| PIC/AVR/MIPS32/ARM Cortex-M/A
- Nordic Semiconductor: nRF BT, Zigbee | ARM Cortex-M
- NXP: i.MX | ARM
- Texas Instruments: MSP430 CC2541 | ARM
- Digi: Xbee, IoT | ARM
- Rockchip: China MPU company | Cortex-A
- Allwinner: China MPU company | Cortex-A
- Broadcom: BCM2711 | Cortex-A
- Nuvoton Technology: Taiwan Chip, M23, M0, M4, IoT | Cortex-A/M
- Cypress: A lot
- Future Technology Devices International: FTDI, USB related stuff
- Bridgetek: BRT FT Series
- Alchitry:Introduction to Digital Electronics and FPGAs
- xilinx: Industrial FPGA
- Intel FPGA (Altera): Stratix、Arria, Cyclone
- 2018 全球 AI 晶⽚廠商產品⽐較表
- Sipeed: AIoT enabler, k210 module | RISC-V, KPU
- Canaan Kendryte k210 | RISC-V, KPU
- Jetson: Nano, TX2, Xavier, AGX | Nvidia CUDA® cores, GPU
- Google Coral: Edge TPU, USB Accelerator | TPU
- Qualcomm: Snapdragon, smartphone SOC, Wearable | Cortex-A
- MediaTek: MTK, Smartphone, cellular | Cortex-A
- Micron: Memory, Storage
- Intel Movidius: Myriad™ X, USB Accelerator | VPU
- Gyrfalcon tech: Lightspeeur 5801 NEURAL ACCELERATOR | VPU
- Graphcore : Intelligence Processing Unit | IPU
- Cambricon : Chinese companies and startups working on AI chips
- kneron : ON-DEVICE EDGE AI
- NovuMind, vimicro, eyemore, westwell-lab, nationalchip, unisound, chipintelli, hxgpt: Chinese
- 阿里平頭哥半導體有限公司 (T-Head), 小米 南京大魚半導體, Huami Huangshan
- ARM project trillium: Arm ML processor and Arm OD processor
- https://github.com/tinyvision-ai-inc/Vision-FPGA-SoM
- Open CV AI kit
- open MV
- Sipeed
- Arduino Pro
- Onion – Compute Platform for IoT special WEBOS
- Pycom - Next Generation Internet of Things Platform
- Particle.io: Build powerful edge solutions
- u-blox: IIoT module
- SIMCOM: 5G/NBIOT/IIoT module
- EByte: Chinese LPWAN module
- Ai-thinker: LPWAN module
- quectel:
- CPU: Xeon, Core ix, Atom
- GPU: Xe
- FPGA: Stratix 10
- Dedicated: Movidius, Habana(Goya, Gaudi)
- Kernel: DL Boost, DAAL, MKL-DNN, MKL
- Graph: Plaid ML, nGraph
- Developer Tools: OpenVINO
- SparkFun: Sensor, IoT, Apollo3 Blue
- SeeedStudio: Sensor, IoT, Grove
- Adafruit: Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
- Scrappy Circuits: scrappy way to learn about electrical circuits
- XinaBox.cc
- Coxana: Snap IoT
- Makeblock: Hardware Programming
- Sphero/littlebits: Programmable Toy/Snap Hardware
- Codejumper: Teaches students who are blind or visually impaired computer coding
- Kano: DIY PC for kids
- Bare Conductive
- AgIC Inc.
- Circuit Scribe: Draw Circuits Instantly
- Paper Circuit
- Fritzing: Makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone
- KiCad: A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
- Eagle
- EasyEDA: Online PCB design & circuit simulator
- EveryCircuit: Circuits are better animated
- Circuit Simulator Applet
- Upverter: Electronics Design for Anyone and Everyone
- Altium
- ThingsBoard: Open-source IoT Platform
- ResIoT.io
- The Things Network: LoRaWAN
- Zerynth: Platform designed to simplify and accelerate the development of IoT applications
- ThingSpeak: Open IoT platform with MATLAB analytics.
- OneNet (by CMHK)
- QQ IoT
- Huaiwai OceanConnect
- Nokia IMPACT
- MS Azure
- AWS IoT platform
- IBM Waston IoT
- Google Cloud IoT
- IFTTT: Every thing works better together
- iotivity
- KMC controls
- KubeEdge
- OpenFog
- EdgeX Foundry
- IIC: Industrial Internet Consortium
- FogHorn Edge analytics platform
- OpenRAN
- vRAN
- FogHorn
- Losant
- Litmus automation
- Thingsmobile: Things Mobile: The best IOT and M2M SIM Card in the world
- Pixel Networks
- OrbiWAN
- The Things Network: Building a global open LoRaWAN™ network
- Chirp Stack: open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server stack
- ARM mbed OS
- Contiki OS
- Zephyr
- Zerynth
- Embedded Linux
- OpenWRT
- FreeRTOS
- uC/OS
- Android Things
- RT-Thread
- Ostro
- Huawei LiteOS
- Mongoose-os
- uPython
- microROS
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- ZigBee
- WirelessHART
- Wi-Fi HaLow
- Wi-Fi
- LTE-M (Long-term evolution for machine type communications)
- NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT)
- EC-GSM-IoT (extended coverage GSM IoT)
- LoRa
- GSM-based mobile networks (2G)
- UMTS-based mobile networks (3G)
- LTE-advanced based mobile networks (4G)
- EnOcean
- ZigBee PRO with Green Power
- Bluetooth LE
- CAN bus
- EtherCAT
- Ethernet/IP
- Modbus
- Modbus
- BACnet: Youtube |BACnet Stack |bacnet |bacnet International
- Octotree: GitHub on steroids
- Localtunnel: Expose yourself to the world
- Ngrok: Public URLs for testing on mobile devices.
- etcher
- Deskpin
- Advanced REST client
- MD to Web
- hterm
- RPA uipath
- mouse recorder
- wireshark
- AutoHotKey
- Temper monkey
- VMware
- Cypress.io
- Octotree: GitHub on steroids
- etcher
- Deskpin
- mouse recorder
- AutoHotKey
- Temper monkey
- Glitch: Online web editor
- Observable: magic notebook for exploring data and thinking with code
- Tutorialspoint: Coding Platform For Your Website
- Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community
- Google Colab
- OctaveOnline: Create and share scripts for scientific computing with GNU Octave
- Project Jupyter
- GeoGebra: Free online math tools for graphing, geometry, 3D.
- Notepad++
- VSCode / VSCode server
- Gitpod
- octave
- online octave
- matlab
- geogebra
- colab
- Maxima
- Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community
- Adobe Premium, After effect
- Sony Vegas
- ACDSee
- imovie
- FFMpeg
- Photoshop
- Blender
- Shapr3D: a professional CAD tool built for the mobility and precision of the iPad and Apple Pencil
- SketchUp: 3D Design Software | 3D Modeling on the Web
- SolidWorks
- AutoDesk: AutoCAD
- Tinkercad: easy-to-use 3D CAD design tool
- Blender
- Agorize
- Hackster.io: The community dedicated to learning hardware
- Github: The world's leading software development platform
- Gitlab: The first single application for the entire DevOps lifecycle
- Gitee/碼雲: Collaboration platform for software development
- Kickstarter
- Indiegogo: Crowdfund Innovations & Support Entrepreneurs
- Crowdsupply: For the Greater Goods
- EEVlog
- 吴川斌的博客
- Google Presentation
- Library Genesis
- Z library
- ZeroNet: Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crytography and the BitTorrent network
- Bitcoin - https://bitcoin.org/
- Abra - https://www.goabra.com/
- Provenance - https://www.provenance.org/
- Fluent (Rebranded to Hijro) - https://hijro.com/
- SKUChain - https://skuchain.com/
- Blockverify - http://www.blockverify.io/
- Augur - https://augur.net/
- Fleek - https://fleek.co/
- Adept - http://www.coindesk.com/ibm-reveals-p...
- Aeternity - https://www.aeternity.com/
- Arcade City - https://arcade.city/
- La'Zooz - http://www.shareable.net/blog/lazooz-...
- Innogy - https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/...
- UBS - https://www.ubs.com/microsites/blockc...
- ZF - http://www.econotimes.com/UBS-bank-in...
- Storj - https://storj.io/
- IPFS - https://ipfs.io/
- BitGive Foundation - https://bitgivefoundation.org/
- Democracy Earth - http://democracy.earth/
- Follow My Vote - https://followmyvote.com/
- GovCoin - http://www.businesswire.com/news/home...
- Dubai Blockchain Strategy - http://www.smartdubai.ae/dubai_blockc...
- Circles - aboutcircles.com
- Gem - https://gem.co/
- Tierion - https://tierion.com/
- TransactiveGrid - http://transactivegrid.net/
- Mycelia - http://myceliaformusic.org/
- Ujo Music - https://ujomusic.com/
- OpenBazaar - https://www.openbazaar.org/
- OB1 - https://ob1.io/
- Ubitquity - https://www.ubitquity.io/
- Consensys - https://consensys.net/about/
- Ethereum - https://www.ethereum.org +++
- NoCodeList: a place for all the no code web app
- NoCodeStack: a place for all the no code web app
- SideProjectStack: another place for all the no code web app
- Airtable
- Framer: A free prototyping tool for teams.
- Bravo
- Editor X
- Webflow
- anima
- supernova
- Lobe: No code Object recoginition
- Miro
- Tensorflow
- Apache Spark: Batch programming
- Apache Flink: Stateful Computations over Data Streams
- OpenMP: multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and Fortran
- OpenACC: help the research and developer community advance science by expanding their accelerated and parallel computing skills
- Chapel: programming language designed for productive parallel computing at scale
- Apache Airflow
- Kubeflow
- ML Flow
- Apache Cassendra
- Spark Streaming
- Apache Kafka: open-source stream-processing software platform
- Akka: toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala
- Apache Storm: free and open source distributed realtime computation system
- KubeEdge
- HBase
- Hadoop
- BlazingSQL: BlazingSQL provides a high-performance distributed SQL engine in Python
- Apache ORC: High-Performance Columnar Storage for Hadoop
- Apache Parquet:a columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model or programming language.
- RAPIDS: Open GPU Data Science
- XGBoost: optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable
- Dask: Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics, enabling performance at scale for the tools you love
- Apache Hive: data warehouse software facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL
- Apache Zeppelin: Web-based notebook that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more.
- Weka.io: Weka uses a modern storage architecture to solve today’s biggest data-intensive problems that hold back innovation.
- Apache Samza: Samza allows you to build stateful applications that process data in real-time from multiple sources including Apache Kafka. Battle-tested at scale
- Apache Impala: is a modern, open source, distributed SQL query engine for Apache Hadoop.
- Apache Nifi: manage data in the edge. Apache NiFi supports powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic
- Apache Drill: Schema-free SQL Query Engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and Cloud Storage
- Apache Sqoop: tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational databases.
- Apache Oozie: Workflow Scheduler for Hadoop
- Apache Mahout: Apache Mahout(TM) is a distributed linear algebra framework and mathematically expressive Scala DSL designed to let mathematicians, statisticians, and data scientists quickly implement their own algorithms.
- Apache Flume: Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data
- Apache Beam: Implement batch and streaming data processing jobs that run on any execution engine
- Apache Zookeeper: Coordinates other services; Starts before other services
- YARN: "Yet Another Resource Negotiator"; allows other applications to run on Hadoop
- Apache Oozie: Schedules workflows, manages multiple jobs
- Apache Pig: Transform and analyze large dataset with Pig Latin
- Hangfire: An easy way to perform background processing in .NET and .NET Core applications.
Kaldi: Speech Recognition Toolkit
Map Reduce