
Automate dynamic DNS updates for Cloudflare-managed domains using this script. Easily change DNS records to update IP addresses via Cloudflare's API, seamlessly integrating into existing workflows for efficient DNS configuration management.

Cloudflare DNS IP Change via API

This Python script automates dynamic DNS updates for Cloudflare-managed domains using Cloudflare's API. It allows users to update DNS records with new IP addresses seamlessly. Simply specify the domain and Cloudflare ID in the 'DNS_TO_CHANGE' dictionary, and provide your Cloudflare account details (email, API key, and zone ID) along with the new IP address to initiate the update process.


  1. Replace placeholders YOUR_EMAIL, YOUR_API_KEY, and YOUR_ZONE_ID with your Cloudflare account details.
  2. Set NEW_IP_ADDRESS to the new IP address that you want to assign to your domains.
  3. Run the script to update the DNS records automatically.

Note: Ensure that your Cloudflare API key has the necessary permissions to read and edit DNS records.


python main.py