
Here you can excpect to find tasks from softuni with python, and video lessons!

Primary LanguagePython

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Кода на всички задачи с който се сблъсквам към момента на обучението ми в СофтУни. Повечето проблеми имат по няколко различни решения, като може да намерите и самият процес в който ги решавам на видео урок.


Python Basics Python Fundamentals Python Advanced Python OOP
SoftUni Basics - Programming Basics Online Example Exam 6 01. Programming Fundamentals Final Exam Retake Multidimensional Lists - Lab Python OOP Retake Exam - 22 August 2022
SoftUni Basics - Programming Basics Online Example Exam 1 02. Programming Fundamentals Final Exam Multidimensional Lists - Exercise 1 Python OOP Exam - 14 August 2022
SoftUni Basics - Programming Basics Online Example Exam 8 03. Programming Fundamentals Final Exam Retake
( Part 1 / Part 2 )
Multidimensional Lists - Exercise 2 Python OOP Retake Exam - 18 April 2022
SoftUni Basics - Programming Basics Online Example Exam 7 04. Programming Fundamentals Final Exam Functions Advanced - Lab Python OOP Exam - 10 April 2022
SoftUni Basics - Programming Basics Online Example Exam 5 05. Programming Fundamentals Final Exam Functions Advanced - Exercise Python OOP Exam - 11 December 2021
SoftUni Basics - Programming Basics Online Example Exam 2 01. Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam Retake Python Advanced Exam Preparation Python OOP Retake Exam - 23 August 2021
SoftUni Basics - Programming Basics Online Example Exam 3 02. Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam Python Advanced Retake Exam - 18 August 2022 Python OOP Exam - 15 August 2021
03. Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam Retake Python Advanced Exam - 25 June 2022 Python OOP Exam - 10 April 2021
04. Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam Python Advanced Retake Exam - 14 April 2022 Python OOP Retake Exam - 22 Aug 2020
05. Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam Python Advanced Exam - 19 February 2022 Python OOP Exam - 16 Aug 2020
06. Programming Fundamentals Mid Exam Retake Python Advanced Retake Exam - 15 December 2021 Python OOP Regular Exam - 06 April 2024
Exam Preparation - 20 March 2024 Python Advanced Exam - 23 October 2021 Python OOP Retake Exam 16 April 2024
Python Advanced Retake Exam - 14 April 2021
Python Advanced Exam - 14 February 2021
Python Advanced Retake Exam - 16 December 2020
Python Advanced Exam - 24 October 2020
Python Advanced Retake Exam - 19 August 2020
Python Advanced Exam - 27 June 2020
Python Advanced Exam - 17 February 2024
Python Advanced Retake Exam - 10 April 2024
Python Advanced Regular Exam - 22 June 2024