
webpack plugin that allows to injects dependencies into the empty package.json that bozon creates in its builds folder

Primary LanguageJavaScript


webpack plugin that allows to injects dependencies into the empty package.json that bozon creates in its builds folder

its main purpose is to allow the copy of a list of native modules that are not packed by webpack


an object containeing the following properties

  • src (fs.PathLike): the path to the folder containing the source package.json (usually ".")
  • dest (fs.PathLike): the path to the folder containing the destination package.json (usually "build/production")
  • dependencies (string[]): a list of dependencies that must be referenced in the source package


  const BozonInjecterPlugin = require('./BozonPackageDependencyInjector');
  const mode = 'production';
  module.exports = {
  main: {
    externals: {
      "node-hid" : 'commonjs node-hid'
    entry: './src/main/index.js',
      new BozonInjecterPlugin({ src: ".", dest: `./builds/${mode}`, dependencies:[