
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ODC-Colab is a CEOS initiative to demonstrate Open Data Cube notebooks running within Google Colab. This is done through a Python module with methods that perform an automated setup of an ODC environment through simple method calls.

This repository includes several example notebooks in the ./notebooks directory. We suggest starting with 01.01.Getting_Started_ODC_and_Colab.ipynb if unfamiliar with ODC or Colab notebooks.

The example notebooks make use of Google Earth Engine data. They will will require some user interaction for Google authentication, and the user needs to be registered as an Earth Engine developer. If not, you may submit an application to Google. These notebooks make use of the CEOS ODC-GEE project which can be found here: https://github.com/ceos-seo/odc-gee.

Note: The gee-notebooks use global products obtained from GEE using ODC-GEE real-time indexing capabilities. Other GEE datasets may also be used by including an asset parameter in the dc.load as shown in the README of the ODC-GEE project.


You will need to add some code to the top of your notebook to use the Python module. There are two different example options for environments shown, but these are not the only uses of the module. More options are available and can be found by reading the included docstrings in the odc_colab.py source file.

Local database environment

This environment is for installing ODC with a local database. Local in this context means local to the Colab VM. This code should not be used outside of Colab.

The following block downloads the Python module and then runs the setup with a default local database configuration that includes CEOS ODC utilities:

!wget -nc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceos-seo/odc-colab/master/odc_colab.py
from odc_colab import odc_colab_init

The previous block of code will create an environment, but the index will be empty so needs to be populated. This can be done by importing a database dump of an existing ODC index:

from odc_colab import populate_db

The populate_db() command without parameters will download database/db_dump.tar.xz from this repository to use for populating the database.

Converting existing notebooks (advanced)

If you have existing notebooks you want to convert for use with this Colab configuration, a diff file is included to make converting from existing Jupyter notebooks to Colab notebooks simple. This can be done using the GNU patch tool: patch <jupyter_notebook> default.diff.

This will also add a Colab button to the top of the notebook. This button can take a GitHub URI for the notebook and automatically open it in Colab from there. You will have to replace the <URI_PLACEHOLDER> with your notebook's URI first, or you can optionally remove that block from your notebook.

NOTE: The patch only adds the default top blocks specified earlier. You may have to specify to install ODC-GEE if wanting a similar environment as the example notebooks, or you may have to provide a database dump to populate the index.

Remote database environment

This environment is for installing ODC within Colab for a remote database connection. A remote database would be a database outside of the Colab VM (i.e. a remote PostgreSQL server).

The following block downloads the Python module, sets an environment variable to allow remote connections, and initializes the ODC environment with CEOS ODC utilities included:


  • hostname: the hostname of the target database.
  • username: the username of the target database.
  • password: Optional; the password for the connecting username (default: None).
  • dbname: Optional; the database name to connect to (default: datacube).
  • port: Optional; the port number to connect to (default: 5432).
!wget -nc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceos-seo/odc-colab/master/odc_colab.py
from odc_colab import build_datacube_db_url, odc_colab_init
odc_colab_init(install_postgresql=False, use_defaults=False,
               DATACUBE_DB_URL=build_datacube_db_url(<hostname>, <username>, password=<password>,
		                                     dbname=<dbname>, port=<port>)