This React application is designed to visualize nutritional data exported from MyFitnessPal. Users can upload a CSV file to see a graphical representation of their daily calorie and protein intake. Additionally, by clicking on a point on the chart, users can view a list of meals consumed on that specific day, complete with protein and calorie counts.
- Upload and process CSV files exported from MyFitnessPal.
- Chart daily calorie and protein intake using a line chart.
- Interact with chart points to see detailed meal information.
You can try out a live version of the app at
- React
- Chart.js
- PapaParse
- chartjs-plugin-datalabels
Clone the repository and install the dependencies to get started:
git clone
cd nutrition-data-visualizer
npm install
Run the project locally with:
npm start
- Click "Choose File" and select a CSV file in the format provided by MyFitnessPal.
- The application will render a line chart displaying total daily calories and protein intake.
- Click a point on the chart to display a detailed list of meals for that day below the chart.
The CSV file should have at least the following columns:
- Date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
- Meal (name of the meal)
- Calories (numeric value)
- Protein (g) (numeric value)
Here is an example of the CSV format expected by the application:
Date,Meal,Calories,Protein (g)
Feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests with your updates.
This project is open-sourced under the MIT License.