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The simplest way to get a website screenshot!
This repository contains legacy code and is no longer maintaned!
The Webthumbnail.org has recently been rebranded to Miniature.io.
Visit Miniature.io for more information and new PHP client library.
- What is webthumbnail.org? The webthumbnail.org is a free webapi for capturing website screenshots. Shortly speaking it is an web based application that you can simply integrate with your website and have thumbnails of any website on demand.
This project is a simple php client for using the api.webthumbnail.org directly from the php code. It can be used in any php application, distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
- How to use the api? The simples case is to just call the api from pure html code.
It will show a screenshot of http://webthumbnail.org directly on your website.
- How to capture a website screenshot from php?
$thumb = new Webthumbnail("http://webthumbnail.org"); $thumb ->setWidth(512) ->setHeight(512) ->captureToOutput();
- How to capture a website screenshot and save it to a disk file?
$thumb = new Webthumbnail("http://webthumbnail.org"); $thumb ->setWidth(512) ->setHeight(512) ->captureToFile($path);
- Need more info? Visit http://webthumbnail.org
Feel free to test and use the application :)