README for mod_fastcgi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod_fastcgi is a module for the Apache web server, that enables FastCGI - a standards based protocol for communicating with applications that generate dynamic content for web pages. FastCGI provides a superset of CGI functionality, but a subset of the functionality of programming for a particular web server API. Nonetheless, the feature set is rich enough for programming virtually any type of web application, but the result is generally more scalable. For more information on FastCGI, see For information on installing mod_fastcgi with Apache 1.3.x, see the file INSTALL. For information on installing mod_fastcgi with Apache 2.x, see the file INSTALL.AP2. For information on configuring an installed instance of mod_fastcgi, see the file mod_fastcgi.html in the docs/ directory, also available online at: For information on programming FastCGI applications, see: Finally, if you get stuck - start with the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file at: If you still can't find an answer, join the developer's mailing list at: