
Cephas K. Too



  1. python installed ver 3 or later
  2. postgresql latest version
  3. Text Editor/ IDE


i. Clone this repository from github ii. Setup your environment and install the packages in requirements.txt iii. Make start.sh to be executable by running sudo chmod a+x start.sh iv. Run ./start.sh to start the server v. First, signup

Post Installation Setup (IMPORTANT !)

After creating a user, the default role of the particular user is 'user' hence they doesnt have full rights to manage the blog. First login to the newly created account. To gain admin rights, you have to edit the url manually to /admin e.g. localhost:5000/admin. (Also applies to Heroku) This step is only done once! An admin User has a different expierience if compared with a User. You might have to create another account if you want to login as a user.

Heroku Link After creating account, login then: Heroku Link To Be Admin