
Create pretty graphs of chat log history.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Create pretty graphs of chat log history! Can combine information from multiple chat services all at once.


  • Facebook Messenger (JSON export)
  • Discord (GDPR data request)
  • Google Hangouts (Takeout)

How to use

  • Download your data
  • Install the dependencies
    • Make sure you have Conda installed
    • Set up the Conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml
    • Activate the conda environment: conda activate chatloggrapher
    • If you don't want to have Conda installed... make sure you have the dependency packages installed: JupyterLab, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, gensim, nltk
  • Run the code
    • Set up aliases.json to map multiple names/nicknames/usernames to each person's actual name
      • This is especially relevant for Discord, since Discord usernames are almost always different from someone's actual name and will also always include the 4-digit username ID.
      • If you have contacted the same person on multiple platforms where they may be listed under multiple names/usernames, make sure that those names are tied all to the same single name in the aliases file.
      • See the default lines in there for examples of how to write those lines.
      • Map any name/username to "null" to ignore it entirely.
    • Run jupyter lab and open the main notebook file data_processing.ipynb
    • Run the cells in order!

Other Info & Credits

Potential future features?

  • Support for Facebook group chat data (> 2 person chats)
  • Support for DiscordChatExporter data
  • Support for any other chat or chat log scraper service that provides consistently formatted data dumps!
  • Put the code that's currently in data_processing.ipynb into an independent Python file of its own, or something that can be more easily run!

Inspired by https://github.com/rohanp/MessengerGrapher (which handles messages through Facebook Messenger only)


Graph of how many people I talk to each day

Graph of how many people I've talked to at some times of day

Graph of how many messages I send each day

Graph of how many messages I've sent at some times of day

Graph of the distribution of all message lengths recorded

Graph of how many total messages I've exchanged with the top 6 people I contact over time

Graph of how actively I've exchanged messages with the top 6 people I contact

Graph of what times of day I've exchanged messages with the top 6 people I contact

Graph of what times of day I've exchanged messages with specific people

Graph of the message length distributions for messages I've exchanged with specific people

Graph of what times of day I've exchanged messages with specific people (Normalized for how many messages I've sent them in total over the time period)