
Makes using MITMF easier

Primary LanguagePython


What is a Wrapper-For-MITMF?

Its designed to make using MITMF easier for people who dont use it often.

#Pre Req:

  1. Install MITMF.py (see his repo for details)(https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/MITMf)
  2. Make sure it works on your machine

#To Use:

  1. Download Script
  2. Run in terminal

##Disclaimer: I dont recommend using anything on here to anyone else for any reason. Scipts here may work, but most likely will break a system they are run on. If you use them you do so at your own risk. Also NEVER use anything in any of my repos to attempt or break into anything that you do not own.

Legalish Disclaimer:

I dont recommend or condone using anything on here for any reason. Anything in the Lists Dir i did not write so I cant exactly tell you what or how it does what it says it does. The scipts here may work, but just as likely have a chance to break the system they are run on. If you use them you do so at your own risk. I do/have NEVER authorized,condoned, or recommend the use of anything in any of my repos for any reason. This is a collection of simple scripts I found useful with my own Kali OS for educational purposes only. I did not create any of the scripts downloaded via the install.py script. All credit goes to the authors whos full URL and/or github account/Repo is listed in the script, please see their sites for more info or issue with their repo's. It should be noted that since these are all publically available then they are to be used for education purposes only. Do not use for Evil.