🔒 Elevate your security game with CeramicSkate0's arsenal of offensive security tools! From penetration testing to vulnerability assessment, empower yourself with the tools of the trade. Ready to strengthen your defenses? Let's dive into the world of ethical hacking together!🔒

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Hack The Box

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🖥️ https://patreon.com/ceramicskate0 🖥️

🖥️ https://ceramicskate0.github.io 🖥️

🔴 Remember all tools here are for educational purposes only. If you can code send me a Pull Request if not open an issue. 🔴

## Other cool stuff ive done on Github (either done in Fork or on side):


The person(s) attached to this account, the account, and the author(s) are not responsible or liable for any code hosted here or its use cases.