
Cerberus add-on that provide proxy capability to the robots in order to collect and control network information.

Primary LanguageJava


This project can be used from Cerberus (https://github.com/cerberustesting/cerberus-core) v 4.2 This project allow to activate some extra features like a proxy server.

You can start the robot proxy with:

java -jar cerberus-robot-proxy.jar

In case you want to start robot proxy on a different port you can overwrite it by creating a new file from https://github.com/cerberustesting/cerberus-robot-proxyblob/master/src/main/resources/application.properties

and then start the robot proxy with :

java -jar cerberus-robot-proxy.jar --spring.config.location=classpath:application.properties,/Users/Documents/cerberusrobotproxy_local.properties


Start a Proxy

Start a proxy using the API http://localhost:8093/startProxy

  • Parameters :
    • port : The port of the proxy to start (make sure it's not already in used). If port is empty or equals to 0, a random port will be defined.
    • timeout : Timeout in ms. Default value is 3600000 (1 H)
    • enableCapture : Boolean that define if MITM proxy capture element or not. Default value is true (set into application.properties proxy.defaultenablecapture)
    • bsLocalProxyActive : Boolean that define if BrowserStack local proxy is active. Default value is false (set into application.properties proxy.defaultlocalproxyactive). If set to true, bsKey, bsLocalIdentifier and bsLocalProxyHost cannot be empty.
    • bsKey : BrowserStack key used by browserstack local proxy
    • bsLocalIdentifier : BrowserStack local identifier to link local proxy session with BrowserStack execution
    • bsLocalProxyHost : Proxy Host

Example : http://localhost:8093/startProxy?port=<port>&timeout=100000&enableCapture=true.....

You will get a uuid in the body response

Stop a Proxy

To stop a proxy, you need its <uuid>


Get content (HAR)

To get the current content of network activity (.har file) for a proxy, you need its <uuid>
