
This exercise will give you a taste of the front-end challenges we handle at Cerby! With this challenge, we look to understand what it would be like to work with you. Besides learning about your technical skills, we are also interested in collaborating with you through this task, so we are open to answering any questions you may have or providing additional information/clarifications when needed. You will recreate a dropdown component with some nifty features we'll explain in the acceptance criteria.

The design file can be found here: Figma File


Clone this repository and start developing. Place the resulting component inside the App.tsx. Once finished, zip the file and send it to the provided email address before the established deadline. Please, do not open PRs to this repository.

Acceptance Criteria

  • All states in the design file should be considered.
  • The application should match the design in the Figma file.
    • Tip: TailwindCSS is preconfigured with the color theme. However, feel free to use plain CSS or any other library
  • You may not implement out-of-the-box libraries for the dropdown. However, data fetching or utility libraries are allowed.
  • When the user types a string, it should look for the best-matching applications given the query. The matching criteria are explained in the "Application Matching Criteria" section.
  • Clicking on a selection should remove the options container and display the application name in the search input. It should show the dropdown again in case the value of the input changes.
  • The query to search the apps should not incur any performance penalty. Consider finding a way to limit the number of queries and caching the result of previously made calls.
  • Implement the logic to filter the results from the mock database inside the getApplications function.
  • The application icon should be rendered when showing the list of matching options. The icons are available under the public/icons folder. The naming convention for the icons is ic_{APP_ID}.svg, where {APP_ID} is the application id value.

Application Matching Criteria

The apps-db.json file contains a list of all the available applications. It consists of a list of objects with the following shape:

type Application = {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  domains: string[];

The domains array contains the list of the domains of each application. This list is not normalized so that you can find strings containing complete URLs (e.g., or just domains ( Consider normalizing all domain fields as a list of valid domains before querying the data. (Tip: is available as a dependency).

The user can write the Application Name, a partial URL, or a domain. The query should be case-insensitive, and the algorithm should return a list of applications that, given the query string, matches:

  • The application name
  • One of the allowed domains

If given a full URL, it should extract the domain part of it and use it as the query.

Extra credit

  • If the dropdown is focused and shows multiple options, the user can cycle through the options using the keyboard arrows.
  • If an option is focused, the user can select the option by pressing the Enter key.
  • Sort the options by name alphabetically.
  • Implement some sort of fuzzy search.



  • NodeJS > 16

Clone the repository and run the following commands:

npm install
npm run dev